Friday, November 29, 2019
Moldau By Smetana Essays - Symphonic Poems, M Vlast, Bedich Smetana
Moldau By Smetana Composer: Bedrich Smetana Work Title: The Moldau. For my first selection of music for this final project I chose "The Moldau" by Bedrich Smetana. The reason I chose this piece was first, it is a symphonic poem and second, because it perfectly exemplified the use of nationalist style and word painting. The Moldau is a symphonic poem representing Nationalist pride for Smetana's country. It is the second of six symphonic poems from the orchestral piece "My Country". A symphonic poem is a one-movement orchestral form that, in this case, suggests a scene. It was written over a five-year span that covered the revolution against Austrian rule. The Moldau is a perfect example of a nationalist song, which is a song of folk pride for one's country. The piece "The Moldau" represents scenes along the river Moldau in Bohemia. It is here that we see the use of word painting, music expressed as though it were a painting to be seen. It begins as a few streams in the forest flowing into the mighty river, painted with a flute and some clarinets and leading to violins. The journey takes us through a day in the forest where we see hunting, peasants dancing at a wedding, nymphs in the moonlight, the St. John's Rapids, the Ancient Castle and back to the River theme as the river dies away. It is truly an enchanting piece.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Feeling Like an Outsider Essays
Feeling Like an Outsider Essays Feeling Like an Outsider Essay Feeling Like an Outsider Essay Feeling Like an Outsider I am lucky enough to say that most of the time, I dont really feel Like an outsider. Usually, I can quickly adapt to new situations and easily relate to people. The one time that stands out in my mind of when I did feel Like an outsider, Is when I started high school. Like many others, the first day of high school was very nerve-wracking to me. I went to Castro Valley High School, which Is a fairly large, public high school. The tuned body there numbers over three thousand. The mall reason why I was so nervous Is because the school I was coming from was very small and private. I went to Our Lady of Grace from kindergarten to eighth grade. The student body there was around two hundred and fifty at the time. There was only one teacher and class of about thirty students for every grade. There wasnt a student or teacher that I didnt know by name and because I had been going there since I was five years old, I really didnt know any other way. : Only two of my classmates from Our Lady of Grace went to Castro Valley High School with me. So out of three thousand students, I literally only knew two. There were many changes that made me feel like an outsider at first. Having a different teacher for every subject, switching to different classrooms between periods, and using a locker were all new to me. Trying to adjust to these changes was even more difficult for me because everyone else at the school had been doing these things for years. I felt like I was the only one that was new to the public education system. By satisfactions 2/4/13 I am lucky enough to say that most of the time, I dont really feel like an outsider. Usually, I can quickly adapt to new situations and easily relate to people. The one time that stands out in my mind of when I did feel like an outsider, is when I started me. I went to Castro Valley High School, which is a fairly large, public high school. The The main reason why I was so nervous is because the school I was coming from
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Exploring the Senses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Exploring the Senses - Essay Example These neurotransmitters produce action potentials thus converting the chemical response into electrical signals to be interpreted by the brain and producing the sensation of a salty taste. Since the structure of the taste buds is the same no matter where they are located on the tongue and all taste buds provide differentiation between the varying tastes, the tip of the tongue can detect all tastes. The degree of sensitivity may vary across the tongue but the tip is still able to pick up the different tastes. A super-taster is a person who has an increased sensitivity to different tastes than an average person. One explanation can be that they might have a higher than average number of taste buds and thus cell receptors. Since it is the taste buds that take the chemical stimuli and convert them into electrical signals via cranial nerves to be interpreted into the different tastes by the brain; the presence of more taste buds could increase a super-taster’s sensitivity and intensify their taste
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Masters Research Proposal Assignment Dissertation
Masters Research Proposal Assignment - Dissertation Example Some empirical research provides evidence in support of such an assumption (Jenkins, Mitra, Gupta & Shaw, 1998; Brown and Heywood, 2002), others however, within the realms of psychology indicate that incentives can in fact have adverse effects on performance (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Deci, Koestner & Ryan, 1999; Ryan & Deci, 2000; Deci & Ryan 2003). A growing and more substantial body of research and studies provide evidence of conflict between intrinsic motivation (a person’s own motivation for undertaking a task) and extrinsic motivation (external and conditionally imposed motivation for undertaking a task) (Benabou & Tirole, 2003; Holmstrom & Milgrom, 1991; Kreps 1997). Motivational theorists consider that for each and every thing we do (behavior and actions) there is a fundamental reason or cause; in other words it influences our behaviour’, our choice of behaviour and its permanence, and the amount of effort put into it (Delmar & Wiklund, 2008). They also believe that ap preciation of the causes will enable prediction and thus allow for influence on those behaviors or actions (Franken, 2002). Current research and theories have evolved and advanced since those of Skinner (1938) who considered performance based on motivations from a behavioral viewpoint, while Maslow (1943; 1954) extended his needs hierarchy to accommodate motivation in terms of people seeking to satisfy needs within a systematic order that progresses from physiological, to safety, to social, to esteem and finally self-actualization. His needs hierarchy accounted for the significance of satisfying the needs of employees if motivation was to be induced and fostered (Nelson, 2009). Motivational research today focuses mainly on the determination of what spurs motivation - what stimulus is required to increase motivation - and takes both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation into consideration. Intrinsic motivation according to Oudeyer & Kaplon (2007) is best understood when contrasted with extrinsic motivation, which relates to any activity that is undertaken because of some of kind of reward or discrete outcome. Intrinsic motivation by contrastive definition refers to activities that are undertaken solely for pleasure with no price or value imposed on it (Ryan & Deci, 2000). An important distinction however, is that intrinsic and extrinsic do not mean the same as internal and external and are not synonymous. Internal motivations receive internal rewards, whereas external motivation receives external rewards; intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation however is not determined by where the reward comes from but on the type of reward that is given (Oudeyer & Kaplon, 2007). The theory of incentives has traditionally assumed that concrete or intangible -money, power or investments- (Hoy & Miskel, 1991) rewards given for specific activities with the intent of their re-occurrence will manifest motivation and in turn output; to some, this translates as the more money giv en by the employer the more effort there will be from the employee (Festre & Garrouste, n.d.). Researchers such as Benabou & Tirole (2003) have shown that monetary or tangible rewards are not always the best means for obtaining employee effort; they claim that intrinsic incentives can be ‘crowded out’ by extrinsic incentives (p.490). They further explain how incentives based on performance can have adverse effects on the perceptions of the activity or of a
Monday, November 18, 2019
Global trends affecting the retail pharmacy industry in the next 5-7 Essay
Global trends affecting the retail pharmacy industry in the next 5-7 years - Essay Example Online merchants have been growing in number as well. The retail pharmacy industry must take advantage of websites in order to keep up with the technology. These two trends will impact the retail pharmacy industry within the next five to seven years. The first trend of more one on one consultation is due to the second trend of more patients. Doctors are becoming overwhelmed by the field of geriatrics. More and more elderly patients are seeking medical care, and thus prescriptions and other over the counter medicine. Doctors are seeing as many patients possible, leaving the prescription counseling to the retail pharmacy industry. Since doctors are busy, appointments take a month or more to receive. Thus elderly patients are coming to pharmacists with questions on routine nutrition, over the counter medicines, and common illnesses. The retail pharmacy industry is becoming the first stop for patients, instead of the doctor’s office. Thus more one on one consultation would be routinely done daily. If the rise in consultations continues, the need for more retail pharmacy industry consultants and pharmacists will also rise. This would mean more training for retail pharmacy industry jobs. That would create a need for teachers, curriculum, and students relating to the retail pharmacy industry. It would also be necessary to recruit individuals interested in this type of work field. A lack of personnel in the retail pharmacy industry could hurt the industry. In order to take advantage of the billion-trillion dollar need, personnel must be interested and trained for the retail pharmacy industry. Online services are showing up for most major retail pharmacies. These online services can be convenient. Doctors can place prescriptions on secure websites. Customers can transfer existing prescriptions. Consultants are made available online. This is through live consultants and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Doxorubicin for Drug Delivery in Cancer Treatment
Doxorubicin for Drug Delivery in Cancer Treatment Jobin Baby Title – Nanoparticles (Doxorubicin) for drug delivery in cancer treatment Layman-friendly summary – My aim for this research is to eliminate all traditional treatment used for cancer treatment and introduce nanoparticles as new carrier for drug delivery for cancer treatments. Cancer treatments such as administering toxic drug through injecting/orally doesn’t specifically target cancerous cells but causing the toxic drug go through the bloodstream. This causes cell toxicity by diffusing toxic drug from the bloodstream to the cells. Nanoparticles coated with drugs that can be specifically targeted on to the desired cancer cell. Nanoparticles are small structures that is usually range from sizes between diameter 1-100 nm. Scientific summary – Nanoparticle enter the cell by receptor mediated endocytosis. Nanoparticle is engulfed/wrapped around by membrane a process called endocytosis. The interaction of the membrane and the nanocarriers allows for penetration of the cell by endocytosis. At time nanoparticle slip or penetrate in to the cell membrane and it adheres in to the cell. The nanoparticle containing the drug responds directly to the cell containing cancer and terminates it. Introduction – Cancer is the most dangerous disease. To treat cancerous cell toxic drugs are injected in to the blood stream to kill the cancer cell. But toxic drugs diffuse in to the cell from the bloodstream causing other cells to be toxic. So to minimize diseases/toxicity to other cell or cell membrane nanoparticles should be introduce. Nanoparticles attack on specific cells that causes cancer. Nanoparticles are used to reduce risk of toxicity and side effects of the drug. Doxorubicin nanoparticles binds to specific site of cancer cell and initiate/penetrates inside the cancer cell and breaks open to kill the cancerous cell. Nanoparticles have a relatively large surface which is able to bind, adsorb and carry other compounds such as drugs, probes and proteins (Wim H De Jong, 2008). Cancer is demonstrated as uncontrollable cell growth. Cancer starts when damaged or unused cells start too dived uncontrollably it grows in numbers or doubles so it’s impossible to stop when it spreads around t he body. To stop uncontrollable division of cancerous cell we should react faster. Administering using injection or orally the time taken to react to this cancerous cells is too late so, using nanoparticles its time efficient and its reacts directly with the cancerous cell. A drug is transported to the place of action, hence, its influence on vital tissues and undesirable side effects can be minimized (Wilczewska AZ, 2012). Nanoparticles are used for drug targeting. So, when reaching to the intended diseased/cancerous site in the body the drug carried in the nanoparticle needs to be released. So for drug delivery biodegradable nanoparticle formulations is needed as its intention is to release the drug and react to the cancerous cell. Nanoparticles and their payloads have also been favourably delivered into tumors by taking advantage of the pathophysiological conditions, such as the enhanced permeability and retention effect and the spatial variations in the pHà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦value (Dr. Tianmeng Sun, 2014). Various nanostructures like polymers, silicon and magnetic nanoparticles have been tested as carriers in drug delivery systems. Like polymers it uses this system where drug is coated on to the polymer and is administered form the mouth to react to the tumor cell. Polymer is a biodegradable substance. So it biodegrades as time goes on. It doesn’t stay in the body so it causes less damage to the cell cause cell toxicity is reduces. It is the same for nanoparticles it provides its function and then degrades causing no further toxicity to the cells. NPs can be used to safely and reliably deliver hydrophilic drugs, hydrophobic drugs, proteins, vaccines, and other biological macromolecules in the body. They can be specifically designed for targeted drug delivery to the brain, lungs, tumor cells and spleen (Singh, 2011). Methodology – Ten experimental rats containing cancerous cells kept under controlled condition Experimented on different rats with different stages of cancer The experiment was led under cleanroom because no contaminants enter and contradict the results. Nanoparticle (DOX) containing drug is placed on five rats Other five rats is undergone chemotherapy and its administered by injecting Every 24hrs results were recorded for 3 months Cell toxicity will be recorded by taking sample of blood from the rat every 48hrs The test subjects will be monitored for unusual behaviour for any side effects suffering from the nanoparticle injected in to the body or from the chemotherapy 4 hrs per chemotherapy was led. The treatment was led every three weeks for 3 months on rats. The lab and the result is checked by three competent authority After three months the rats under controlled environment will be checked for possibility of cancerous cell. If the results turned out as plausible, clinical trials is likely to happen. Grant chart – Expected outcomes – The outcome delivering nanoparticle containing the drug. A tumor marker is substance found in the body tissues that can be elevated only in cancer cells. Oncomarkers is the signature of a cancer cell and modern nanoparticles developed to conjugate to various molecular markers. Doxorubicin (DOX) is the most efficient anti-cancer drug. That’s why nanoscale capsule can deliver DOX only inside cancer cells using oncomarker signatures. It consists of a DNA-or origami shell covered by immune factors with molecular binding sites on its surface (Franà §ois Perreault, 2015). Nanoparticle delivery starts form bloodstream. DOX nanoparticles penetrate inside the cancer cell due to cancer markers on its surface. When nanocapsule conjugated with several markers its DNA-origami shell opens releasing DOX inside the cell. DOX successfully delivered. The cancer cell dies due to DOX direct delivery. So it’s expected using DOX direct delivery cancerous cell from the rats is eliminates/ter minated. DOX delivery will be expected to be faster and time efficient whereas chemotherapy will be slower. DOX delivery is expected to terminate cancerous cells but using chemotherapy it is expected that cancer cells is likely to be back or not all cancer cells are dead Budget – Staff salary 3 staff â‚ ¬21 per hour, 40 hrs in 2 weeks in a month so 6 weeks (240hr) in 3 months Per person â‚ ¬5040 3 person total â‚ ¬15,120 Clean room Clean room â‚ ¬18000 for 3months from February to March Total= â‚ ¬18000 Equipment Budget Malvern instrument â‚ ¬540 Nanosight analyser- â‚ ¬2750 Laboratories instrument â‚ ¬600 Total= â‚ ¬3890 Test Rats 10 Test rats â‚ ¬1000 each Total= â‚ ¬10000 Travel Budget â‚ ¬2000 travel expense for conference meeting in Boston Massachusetts Total â‚ ¬2000 Total budget needed = â‚ ¬49,010 Plans for dissemination – Once this research is completed this will be placed on scientific journal, newspapers, article and social media websites. This research will be approved to do clinical trials on real patients suffering from cancer. Scientific posters will be placed outside science conventions in Ireland and UK. A conference will be held on 27th September for science breakthrough and I will be presenting about my research and how it benefits in the future. Findings of my research will be presented on graphs and on excel to allow people to visualize my research. To spread news around hospitals, research will be published on local newspapers. Bibliography Dr. Tianmeng Sun, D. Y. (2014). Engineered Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery in Cancer Therapy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 12320–12364. Franà §ois Perreault, A. F. (2015). Environmental applications of graphene-based nanomaterials. Chemical Society Reviews. Singh, A. M. (2011). Biodegradable nanoparticles are excellent vehicle for site directed in-vivo delivery of drugs and vaccines. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 9-55. Wilczewska AZ, N. K. (2012). Nanoparticles as drug delivery systems. 1020-1037. Wim H De Jong, P. J. (2008). Drug delivery and nanoparticles: Applications and hazards. Int J Nanomedicine, 133–149.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Mending the Transatlantic Rift Essay -- Essays Papers
Mending the Transatlantic Rift The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 ushered in an era of dramatic change for foreign policy and the international system. Most obviously, the United States’ sense of invulnerability eroded as an acute awareness to the perils of terrorism gripped the American public. In American foreign policy, the dominant paradigms evolved. Whereas the Cold War notion of the centrality of powerful nation-states had helped order the Bush administration’s outlook before the attacks, the new paradigms explicitly accounted for the importance of non-state actors and rogue regimes as the salient elements of American foreign policy. In emphasizing rogue states, President George W. Bush focused on regime change in Iraq and ultimately decided to invade Iraq despite the opposition of important allies and the lack of authorization from the United Nations Security Council. The war in Iraq, along with an array of diplomatic and policy differences between the United States and its Eur opean allies, ultimately produced notable divisions in the transatlantic relationship. An analysis of the events and conceptual divergences that contributed to this rift renders a portrait of U.S.-European relations in which real rather than cosmetic differences separate the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Nonetheless, enduring commonalities and the realities of the present geopolitical situation leave hope for improvements in the relationship. In the end, mending the transatlantic rift will require the United States to exhibit a genuine commitment to diplomacy with Europe and engagement with the world’s most pressing issues. THE RELATIONSHIP Historically, the relationship between the United States and its European allie... ...ember/October 2002. Kagan, Robert. â€Å"America’s Crisis of Legitimacy,†Foreign Affairs, March/April 2004. Mandelbaum, Michael. â€Å"The Inadequacy of American Power,†Foreign Affairs, September/October 2002. The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September 2002. <> Nye, Jr., Joseph S. â€Å"U.S. Power and Strategy After Iraq,†Foreign Affairs, July/August 2003. O’Hehir, Andrew. â€Å"Welcome to the New Cold War,†, November 15, 2004. Pond, Elizabeth. â€Å"European Shock and Awe,†Washington Quarterly, Summer 2003. Project for the New American Century World Press Review. â€Å"We Are All Americans,†November 2001. <>
Monday, November 11, 2019
Do the Right Thing Analysis
Do The Right Thing, a movie directed by Spike Lee, filmed on a sunny summer day in a black neighbourhood in Brooklyn is what many consider a great movie. The movie portrays stories of many actors consisting from different palettes, where each has their own conflicts and struggles. It is a very entertaining movie yet it will leave you emotionally connected to the events that took place. It would not have reached its current success if it wasn’t for the unique cinematography.In the coming sections I will be talking about the shots, angles, lighting styles, symbolism and colour. Realism The realism of this movie is pretty clear, where Spike Lee was trying to convey the physical reality of the black people who live in a culturally diverse network. There were several characters in the movie and each had his own story, the flow of the, jumping from one character the other gives the feeling that there is no manipulation of the story, it’s the real deal and this is how things r oll in Brooklyn in a timeline of twenty-four hours.Another reason why this movie is linked to realism is because of the moral issues, where for example there would be a sensitive scene about a scene, that speaks for itself and it is interpreted by the audience in their own way. Do The Right Thing may be also be considered as a classic since there was a focus on telling a great story but no that of one character but many, and each had his/her own charisma. It is the type of movies where you would want to go back over and over again to watch it. Shots Spike Lee is known for his perfect shots where he uses different lens to give the movie a distinguishing look.The movie varied from long shots, medium, close up and extreme close up. That is shown from the beginning of the movie where the woman was dancing and it almost included all of the shots mentioned above. Throughout the movie the technique of including various shots were constantly being used and were applied to all the characters . Figure 1A Extreme close up Figure 1B Close up Figure 1C Medium shot ` Figure 1D Long shot Figure 2A Extreme close up Figure 2B close up Figure 2C Medium shot Figure 2D Long shot The figures shown above are just two examples of many where different shots are being taken of the.In Figure 2a- 2b we have an example of the camera creating an extreme close up, pulling back going through the close up, medium shot to reach the long shot, and then moving horizontally to show the neighbourhood. This technique was used constantly. I think the meaning behind this technique is to make the movie as seem as realistic as possible. Spike Lee focused on the main characters individually and then pulls backed to create a long shot to show that character’s place in the neighbourhood, which adds realism to the setting. Angles.In Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing, he set up his camera in different positions and shot at different angles. A low angle is when the subject is being filmed from bel ow. I believe that this angle gives the subject superiority and makes him look powerful. Figure 3 Figure 3 is a scene where Radio Raheem was ordering pizza with his stereo being played and Sal was telling him to turn it off. Raheem looked intimidated so the low angle shot adds to the intimidation. In my opinion this was perfect since Radio Raheem was a character that everyone is afraid off and the more intimidating he looks the better.I also think that it added a little spice to the end, because these constant shots of Raheem give a bigger impact on the audience when he dies. In contrary to low angle shots, high angles are taken from above. The camera is placed above the subject facing down. This type of shot is to make the subjects appear insignificant and it gives a general overview of the scene Figure 4 Mother Sister Trauma. High angle view. The scene in Figure 4 is just before the end of the movie where Sal’s restaurant was burnt down because he was blamed for Radio Rahee m’s death.These incidents gave Mother Sister a trauma. I would not say that the high angle shot makes her insignificant, but it would rather make her look threatened by the general overview scene, that the high angle shot achieves. The violence ends with this scene, which in my point of view is a very dramatic one. Mother Sister is the lovable person, everyone looks up too her but she was screaming like a lunatic, then the high angle shot of all the destruction around gives a dramatic ending to that scene.There were many eye level shots taken in the movie. An Eye level shot is when the subject is being filmed near eye level. What I think Spike Lee was trying to do with these eye level shots if to put the audience in the same footing of the characters. The bird eye view is the shot taken overhead. It makes people in the scene look small. Figure 5 Bird eye shot, final scene. An example of a bird eye shot is shown in Figure 5, the final scene. This scene is one of the most impor tant of the movie.The movie visualises a 24 hour timeline, so all the incident s that happened, from waking up to burning Sal’s kitchen happened in one day, which in my opinion is a lot of activity in a neighbourhood. This final scene that makes the neighbourhood appear to be god like is amazing, after all the violence that broke down, it seems like nothing happened. People are playing basketball; DJ love daddy is talking about a new subject ignoring what happened last night. Every day is a new page for this people. Oblique shots are shots taken at a tilted angle.Straight lines become diagonals which gives a shot an overwhelming feeling in an unstable world. Figure 6A Oblique shot, Mayor Figure 6B Oblique shot, MotheSister The conversations between the Mayor and Mother Sister where taking at an oblique angle. I think the reason behind this is to highlight the unstable an unbalanced relationship between them. Lighting styles The movie took place on a hot day in summer, since i t is a story about a movie about one day, lighting is going to change from bright in the morning, brighter in the afternoon, less brighter at sunset, night which is dark and finally the next morning.There was a lot of emphasis on how it was really hot, so it is important that the brightness to stand out. Spike Lee kind of showed us how hot it is. There was a scene where could see the heat waves surrounding the tree old men on the sidewalk. The lighting in the riot scene in the end was great, it was very realistic and it captured the audience emotionally, especially those who have memories of such riots. Symbolism I believe that there was a lot of symbolism in the movie; in fact each character symbolized something, of the struggle in a black neighbourhood.For example, Sal and the Korean symbolize the irony of them taking more money from the black community more than the businesses of the blacks themselves, and they do not live in the neighbourhood. The mentally challenged guy and the pictures of Marter L. King and Malcom X are connected, where there is a double grief, first is on the guy himself, I think people felt sorry for him, and the second grief was the reminder of Malcom X and Martin passing away, both these factors probably affected the audience emotionally.Buggin’out wants African Americans on the wall in Sal’s restaurant; Radio Raheem is blasting off fight the power song. There are many others symbols in this movie and the nature, location and story it requires these symbolisms, that adds al little spice to movie and affects the audience emotionally. Colour Like the lighting the colour helps us associate to the weather. Different tones ranging from orange, red, and yellow were used. These colours can also be interpreted in the characters emotions. The main colour was red to emphasize that it is hot.He uses other colours in calmer place such as in Mookie’s girlfriend’s room, which was blue. I believe that Spike Lee sis a goo d job in playing around with colours Conclusion Do the right thing is a movie that gets you to think. You get laughs out of it some others cry. The techniques used in the movies are the reason why it is considered to be a successful movie. The way he portrayed the black community struggling from the different scenes and characters will leave an impact on whoever watches the movie.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
PESTLE Analysis of Project Ballycotton
PESTLE Analysis of Project Ballycotton Introduction This essay shall analyse the failure of project Ballycotton using the PESTLE analysis. PESTLE analysis involves looking at political, economic, sociological, technical, legal and environmental factors affecting the outcome of a project. Changes in these factors may or may not favour a project outcome.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on PESTLE Analysis of Project Ballycotton specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Political There are internal politics in every organisation. We can note the presence of organisational politics in opinions and attitudes of different stakeholders in the organisation. However, this depends on where the power of influence is. What is necessary in a situation of organisational politics is to identify and manage them. Internal politics of organisations also exist at personal levels and in team jealousies. These factors pose severe consequences to a project. Therefore, the project mana ger must identify and diffuse them. Project outcomes also depend on some other factors like clients, contractors, consultants, state authorities, material and service providers, among others. These bodies may also have their private agendas that eventually affect the outcome of a project (Lester, 2006). The project Ballycotton exhibits political differences between Michael Higgins and the Irish treasury civil servants over tax cut the film should have. The government’s decision to give a tax relief to the film project is a favourable political condition for the project. However, the political fights between Michael Higgins are factors that if not managed may derail the project. There are also political factors that the project’s sponsor and manager have no control over. Projects with international influences are likely to suffer disruptions due national or international political complications. Government actions such as changing taxation systems, exchange restrictions , penal working conditions, or even cancellation of the contract in totality affects the project’s outcome. Countries with unstable economies, government or prone to coups may make the project come to a halt. Project technical team should envisage, evaluate, and plan for such eventualities. At national level, there are also political actions and reactions that may affect the project completion. Economic Internal economic factors relate to the project viability and soundness. These are factors that are within the project team control. Project team must evaluate both the financial and non-financial gains before embarking on it. Project teams use financial models and proven accountancy techniques to evaluate the project viability (Lester, 2006). Evaluation should be an ongoing process till the end of the project.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, in the case of Ballycotton project, the team did not use any proven financial models or accountancy techniques to envisage lack of funds before the beginning of the project. In fact, lack of money was the main cause of failure of this project. The project team could have managed the situation of financial crisis before the actual screening process. They could have considered the decision to abort the project before accruing so much debt (Lock, 2007). External factors that influence the outcome of a project relate to political situations. Government may decide to increase or reduce its taxation systems, exchange rate, labour laws, among others. These factors affect the viability of a project. The Irish government lures moviemakers with attractive tax write-off schemes. The case study shows that Irish government can write-off up to 60 percent of the total cost of project production within its tax system. They use this system to attract moviemakers. Social Most projects have impacts on t he community where the team decides to implement them. Depending on the nature of the project and its consequences, it is necessary for the project manager to inform the community about the project purpose, intent, benefits and any side effects. Therefore, there must be a formal meeting between members of the public and the project representatives. The project representatives must also take care of pressure groups in society. They must know of the unwanted effects and positive side of the project. However, the project team must also recognise the fact that it cannot satisfy all the demands of these groups, and comprises are necessary from both sides. The project manager must do this to avoid constant disruptions and demonstration from the community. The Ballycotton project suffers from social issues. The church Bishop refuses to grant permission for the team to use his churches. This is because he did not like some of the script contents where the female character dies under her cop ulating husband. In addition, the film represents Irish as cheesy with a character called Swill McCool. The verdict of the Bishop threatened the entire process.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on PESTLE Analysis of Project Ballycotton specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The British tabloid paparazzi take advantage of exposing the naked Marlon Brando. This affected his social image as a public figure. Though this is too personal, its impact can bring the entire project to a halt. Most projects have positive effects on lives of the community they touch. However, the financial constraints of Ballycotton project could not allow the community to see any benefits. In fact, every person and business entity that interacted with the project team suffered setbacks, particularly in financial terms. Technical Protect must be technically sound to avoid failure. Technology must be in place for the project to start and succeed. Tec hnical aspects of a project require early preparation including risk assessment in order to establish realistically available options (Williams, 2008). The Ballycotton project hired several options that they never settled their bills. The project team ought to have considered the installations, physical locations, existing facilities, and management team. The project lacked technical planning, the participants, and business contacts felt that the entire process would eventually fail. The planners did not consider the financial implications of the entire process. This resulted into massive debts and loss of trusts. Legal Every project must incorporate some legal aspects. The relationships between the parties should be legally binding contracts, which must also comply with the laws. The contracts must be fair to both parties, and any unreasonable terms must be eliminated. All parties must comply with the laws of different countries in cases of international projects. Project managers must seek legal advice from specialists before undertaking any project. The legal document must focus on established conditions of contract and other standard industry requirements. In addition, it may also address political, legal, and commercial requirements (Baguley, 2000).Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ballycotton project has a weak legal foundation and no money to support it. David Lowe could not raise money for the completion bond. However, the project went on without the bond to the surprise of the lawyers. There are also legal concerns rising due to non-payment of bills and bouncing cheques. Environmental The location of a project influences its costs and time of completion. Projects must take into account the weather patterns of a project location. In the case study, the choice of Ballycotton had cost implication for the project sponsor. In addition to the project team, there was also a crew of 125 people. The weather patterns were unfavourable for the production processes. The report indicates that the project started badly. The rains followed a summer of blistering sun during the production of the movie. Reference List Baguley, P., 2000. Project Management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Lester, A., 2006. Project Management, Planning and Control. 5th ed. Loughborough: Elsevier Scie nce Technology Books. Lock, D., 2007. Project Management. Hampshire: Gower Publishing Limited. Williams, M., 2008. The Principles of Project Management. Collingwood, Australia: SitePoint Pty Ltd.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Edit and Proofread Your College Essay in Eight Steps
Edit and Proofread Your College Essay in Eight Steps Editing is a necessary part of the writing process. When you edit something you write, you inevitably make it better. This is especially true when it comes to writing essays. Proofreading and editing your essay can seem tedious, but it is actually a simple task if you tackle it in an organized manner. Just remember to take it slow and check for one thing at a time. Step One: Use the Spellchecker Chances are you used a word processor to compose your essay. Most word processing programs are equipped with a spellchecker. To begin editing your essay, use the spellchecker option to check for spelling errors. Correct problems as you go. Next, use the grammar checker on your word processing program (if it has one) to check for grammar errors. Most grammar checkers now look for comma usage, run-on sentences, passive sentences, tense problems, and more. Using your judgment and the grammar checker’s suggestions, edit your essay. Step Two: Print Your Essay Now it’s time to begin manually checking your essay. You could do this on your computer but it is better to print a copy if you can. Errors will be easier to catch on paper than on a computer screen. Step Three: Review Your Thesis Statement Begin by reading the thesis statement of your essay. Is it clear and easy to understand? Does the content of the essay properly support the statement? If not, consider revising the statement to reflect the content. Step Three: Review the Introduction Make sure that your introduction is concise and adequately developed. It should be more than a statement of your intentions and opinion. The introduction should set the tone of your essay- a tone that continues throughout. The tone should be consistent with the subject matter and the audience that you want to reach. Step Four: Review the Paragraph Structure Check the paragraph structure of your essay. Each paragraph should contain pertinent information and be free of empty sentences. Get rid of any sentence that seems slightly irrelevant. Also, check your transition sentences. Your essay will appear choppy is there is not a clear transition from one idea into the next. Step Five: Review the Conclusion The conclusion of your essay should reference your thesis statement. It should also be consistent with the structure and/or argument of your essay. Take extra time to polish your conclusion. It will be the last thing the reader sees and the first thing that they remember. Step Six: Read Your Essay Aloud Next, read your essay aloud. Pause in your reading as punctuation indicates. This will help you determine how your essay flows and sounds. If you hear something that you don’t like, change it and see if it sounds better. Step Seven: Manually Check Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation Once the content of your essay has been rewritten, it’s essential that you manually check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Your word processor will not catch everything. Check carefully for subject/verb agreement, tense sequence, plurals and possessives, fragments, run-ons, and comma usage. Step Eight: Get Feedback If possible, have someone else read your essay and offer suggestions for improvement. If you don’t have anyone who can do this for you, do it yourself. Because you’ve spent so much time looking at it by now, set your essay aside for a couple of days before going back to it. This will allow you to critique it with a fresh pair of eyes. Editing and Proofreading Tips When writing your essay, make sure you allow time for edits.Follow the rules of your assignment. If you were given a word count, abide by it.Fact check. Fact check. Fact check.For a more organized essay, create an outline prior to writing. When you edit, refer to your outline to make sure that you covered all of the necessary points.Proofread slowly. Its easy to miss errors when you read too fast.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Review Based on the Book Educational Studies Essay
Review Based on the Book Educational Studies - Essay Example Within the context of this paper, I will discuss how community, family, technology, society, and relationships all have a strong effect on the quality of education children get and whether they decide to go to college. The quality of the education a child gets also determines if they become lifelong learners, leaders, and have confidence in themselves and their abilities as they grow and develop throughout life. Family, society, and classmates all play a significant role in how children develop their sense of self and their self-esteem (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). The development of this sense of self has a strong impact on the ability of the child to excel in academics, sports, and it will also affect their thoughts on higher education (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). Children that have low self-esteem tend to think poorly about their abilities and may not think they are capable of learning the complex curriculum taught in today’s schools. A strong sense of self enables t he child to have the courage to explore their surroundings, engage in activities, and develop their sense of self (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). Culturally responsive teaching is an important factor in helping young children learns to develop a positive sense of self (Sadker and Zittleman, 2009). From birth, children are gathering knowledge of their own culture from the people around them and they use this information in the development of their self-image (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). ... Biological factors include inherited or genetic traits, personality or temperament, and physical and health attributes, like disabilities or premature birth (Sorte, Daeschel, and Amador, 2011). These factors don’t just play an influential role in the development of the child, but can also have a negative affect on the relationship that the child has with their caregivers (Sorte, Daeschel, and Amador, 2011). Environmental factors include the child’s family, the neighborhood they live in, and the presence of environmental toxins, like second-hand smoke (Sorte, Daeschel, and Amador, 2011). These factors can effect a child’s social and emotional development by adding stress to the child’s family life (Sorte, Daeschel, and Amador, 2011). Relationships with other children that are not related to them and the values and attitudes of their teachers add additional influences to the child’s development (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). All these influences are the effects of socialization or the child’s nurturing environment (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). The nature of the child is determined mostly by biological factors and plays a vital role in the way the child learns (Sharp, Ward, and Hankin, 2009). Programs that create supportive environments, provide time for unstructured play, and allow the child to establish caring relationships with others will help the child gain the tools they need to be successful in the future (Sorte, Daeschel, and Amador, 2011). The standards of a supportive environment are: small group sizes, developmentally appropriate curriculum, competent instructors, and parents that are involved with the child’s
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Resume For A Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Resume For A Job - Essay Example My success earned me inclusion on the team attending IAAPA to give input based on this market research to the team responsible for negotiating and closing the purchases of hundreds of gaming machines. With this experience, I gained the know-how for creating an effective marketing strategy and also managed to find out what the next big arcade game was. During summer 2012 I obtained an AA degree in Business and CIS in addition to the Magna Cum Laude honor and Phi Theta Kappa Recognition. I continued my education for a Bachelors degree of Science in Business at John Hopkins University. Throughout my studies, I devoted my time to studying American politics, business, and culture. I took the time to broaden my marketing knowledge, learn about information technology in business, improved my communication abilities and learned how to relate electronic tools to business. I can use these skills to assist me in my next position. In the summer of 2011, I volunteered at Silicon Valley Home Owner to assist the impoverished in applying to own a house. I also interviewed many people and gave out food stamps where the situation required it. I had to talk with close to 50 people each day. Because of the constant work, I had to manage my time so that I could help out each person who needed it. During high school, I was the president of the student body government. One of my duties was to preside over the weekly meeting. I also managed yearly events such as competitions to do with sports, education, and environmental concerns. Furthermore, I was the President of UNICEF at De Anza College. I held charity competitions for basketball and soccer in and around the Bay area. I managed to raise $5,000 and then I donated it to UNICEF. I believe that these experiences, as the president of a big organization, extended my abilities. I was able to overcome the expectations that were placed on me by creating a conducive environment where it was easy to achieve goals.
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