Tuesday, December 31, 2019
To what extent does environment play an important role in...
To what extent does environment play an important role in character’s behaviour towards others? Books: Great Expectations, Charles Dickens, 1861 Lord of the Flies, William Golding, 1954 Environment is a vital factor in determining the behaviour of characters; the books both agree and contradict with each other though. William Golding is of the view that humans share an innate evil: he strips boys of the order of society; he places them in a primitive environment; and in the subsequent story, their conduction descends from that of being civilised into that of evil chaos. He employs Simon, a boy of rare quality, to illustrate this by having him realise that the beast is not real, it exists only â€Å"inside us†. Charles Dickens writes about the†¦show more content†¦However, as time goes on and civilisation seems further away, as hope- and want- of being rescued fades, their system degenerates. The ever-present violence succeeds peace: originally it starts of as being a game, Ralph â€Å"returned as a fighter-plane, with wings swept back, and machine-gunned Piggy†; when they eventually hunt their first pig, Jack boasts, You should have seen the b lood!; the boys kill Simon in a frenzied ritual dance, even Jack and Piggy are not innocent as they too were present though they try to forget it; Piggy is killed; then Ralph is hunted like an animal, by the â€Å"savages†of Jack’s dictatorship, he only survives because he runs into the British Navy on the beach. In Great Expectations, Pip is an innocent boy to start off with. The reader sympathises him, from the outset he is identified as an â€Å"orphan†and Mrs. Joe, his sister- who many adults keep spitefully reminding Pip- â€Å"brought [him] up by hand†, abuses him. She is always shouting at him and punishes him with things such as the â€Å"Tickler.†Pip is also berated at the Christmas dinner: Mrs. Hubble ‘asked, Why is it that the young are never grateful? This moral mystery seemed too much for the company until Mr. Hubble tersely solved it by saying, Naterally wicious.Show MoreRelatedRole of Fate in Tess of the DUrbervilles5058 Wor ds  | 21 Pagescentury. This novel is remarkable like all the other Hardy’s novels for the tragic vision it indicates; there is a story which ends in a tragic manner. In so far as Hardy is concerned, he writes tragedy of fate which has a major role to play. This novel is almost like the Greek tragedy in the classical Greek tragedy in the sense that they wrote play in a way where Aristotle wrote Greek tragedy and other things. He was dealing particularly with plays. But the world view was essentially disastrousRead MoreThe Effects of Advertising on Children33281 Words  | 134 Pages...................................... 21 Attention, recognition and recall................................................................................................. 21 Australian Communications and Media Authority 1 Preferences and behaviour .......................................................................................................... 22 Repetition and advertising effectiveness..................................................................................... 22 ConclusionsRead MoreDuchess Of Malf Open Learn10864 Words  | 44 Pagesand marriage in the Malfi court, and the social conflicts to which it gives rise. The unit guides you through the first part of the play and will help you to develop your skills of textual analysis. This unit focuses mainly on Acts 1 and 2 of the play. You should make sure that you have read these two acts of the play before you read the unit. The edition of the play that is used in this unit is the Pearson Longman (2009) edition, edited by Monica Kendall. However, there are free versions availableRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words  | 185 Pagespublications, videos, and other instructional media available from the Department can be obtained without charge by writing to the CDE Press Sales Office, California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 3207, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901; faxing to 916-323-0823; or calling the CDE Press Sales Office at the telephone number shown above. Notice The guidance in the California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volume 2) is not binding on local educational agencies or other entities. Except forRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesChristian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United
Monday, December 23, 2019
A Social Worker s Field Placement And Internship Experience
Reflective Journal No. 5 Supervising Style A social worker’s field placement and internship experience are the uttermost integral component of his or her social work education. This experience can vary in both quantity and quality depending on the type of leadership and guidance the social worker is receiving. Supervisors play a fundamental role in the guidance and training of a new social worker during his or her internship. Having similar work styles as your supervisor can lead to a satisfying field placement experience. I am being supervised by Mrs. Jessie Bether she is the Area Social Worker Supervisor (ASWS) in the County of Service division of the Mississippi Department of Human Services (DHS). Upon meeting her I noticed that we shared similar work styles, such as being approachable, encouraging and ethical, to name a few. Approachability is extremely relevant to me and a trait I often groom. Mrs. Bether has an open door policy, making herself available to her employees to assist them if they need advice. She is never too busy to assist me with questions I may have associated with DHS or as a social worker. Encouragement is a vital segment of any job. I practice encouragement to maintain a high morale, it has been especially beneficial to me when doing group projects. Mrs. Bether is a great motivator, she is always encouraging her team by telling them what a great job they are doing. This is meaningful to me because encouragement assist a team work to theShow MoreRelatedField Supervisor Interview : Licensed Masters Of Social Worker, Kimberley Fleischer977 Words  | 4 PagesField Supervisor Interview Licensed Masters of Social Worker, Kimberley Fleischer, serves as a field supervisor for students obtaining a masters degree in the field of social work. She first attended Iowa State University and obtained her undergraduate degree in psychology. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Case Study Report †Motorola Free Essays
This case is about implementation of a new â€Å"shared vision†concept within The Analog Division of Motorola Company. In 1993 Analog division was a major manufacturer of analog products in the world and had its divisions in many different countries. In other words the division had strong global presence. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study Report – Motorola or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to create more efficient global company, Alison and John have decided to develop new shared vision within The Analog Division where managers would be involved directly and indirectly in the decision making process. Before the new vision development, Analog Division and its managers was very limited in decision making. Because they had such a strong global presence their vision didn’t work. The problem was that they were not open to new global ideas or possible obstacles where managers around the world would make decisions together. Visioning process of Motorola’s Analog Division had number of cultural challenges. One of the challenges was the difference in the way different cultures perceived concept of â€Å"shared vision†. One of the key words in the vision statement was â€Å"family†and â€Å"union†. For instance, people in China take the word â€Å"family†literally and in their own setting this word is not appropriately applicable to vision statement. Another challenge was getting managers to think globally and get accustomed to the concept of shared vision. Many of the managers from different countries had their own cultural ways of doing things and to open ones ideas to others was hard to achieve. Alison and John had hard time communicating to managers that this idea is not imposed on them. The major barrier in the vision implementation was the language. Sometimes, the same words in one language have very different meaning in another. The following quote is good example of the language and communication style perception: â€Å"Good communication American style is to say what you mean precisely, in as straightforward a manner as possible. Be direct, get to the point, and say what the bottom line is. For other cultures, this style is rude, abrasive and self-centered†. (http://www. frugalmarketing. com/dtb/xcultcomm. html) Therefore, Alison and John were trying to be careful about this issue. They had vision statement written in five different languages. The important thing was that the vision statement was not just literally translated but rather adjusted to its own culture so people of that division have clear understanding of the vision. First cultural misstep that Alison and John made was their lack of research prior to the task. They have conducted research reg arding managers and the ways they communicate decisions overseas. They also gained insight of the success of each division but what they failed to consider some of the psychological cultural differences. They overlooked possibility of different reactions among the managers based on their background. For instance, some managers were afraid to lose their jobs where in fact that was not the case. We can see that from this quote†Every culture possesses a unique mixture of attitudes, values, and social expectations. I think that Seven Tasks process definitely added significant value to the final results. The way the tasks were broken down helped both, managers and Alison to have a better grasp of the vision statement process. It was easier to account for details and to adjust to reactions by going through steps. Phase four will definitely be challenging one. Working in a group is one thing but agreeing on the process could be challenging especially where different cultures are agreeing on one thing. Another additional challenge is taking the vision to the future and building upon it. How to cite Case Study Report – Motorola, Free Case study samples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Analysis of Consumer Behavior
Question: Explore the selection of holiday destination based on consumer behavior. Answer: Introduction Personality is defined as the relatively enduring features, which helps to differentiate between an individual from another. Personality guides the people to act in a predictable and consistent manner during both over extended periods of time and different situations. In other way, it can also be said that personality is the lasting or enduring patterns of thought and behavior across situation and time. Depending on the personality of various people, it can be explained by six types of theories. These are Freuds Theory, Tripartite Theory of personality, Trait Theory, Eysencks Personality Theory, Cattells 16 PF Trait Theory and Allports Trait Theory (Miller Washington, 2011). In this assignment, the personality and demographic theory will be analyzed based on the responses of three respondents regarding selection of a holiday tour package. Analysis of the Behavior of Respondent 1 using the Theories of Personality According to the survey, it can be said that respondent 1 is more extraverted as the person marked it at highest priority. Secondly, he is equally open to new experiences and also has high need for affiliation, as the respondent provide equal importance to these. Thirdly, the person is moody but sympathetic and kind to others. The person also has high need for uniqueness. Fourthly, the respondent is also careful and efficient and lastly, the respondent puts importance to the high requirement for power. Based on the behavior of the particular person, it can be said that the personality of this respondent falls under the Eysencks Personality Theory. The reason behind this is that as per the Eysencks Personality Theory, there are three dimensions of personality. These are psychoticism, neuroticism and extraversion (Solomon, 2011). Later, this theory was modernized and thus the behavior of an individual can be represented in a simpler way that is by two dimensions. These are Extroversi on/ Introversion (E) and Neuroticism / Stability (N). These are known as the second order traits of personality. These dimensions can be divided into unstable and extroverted, stable and extroverted, stable and introverted and unstable and introverted (Saad Aslam, 2011). Depending upon the behavior of the respondent 1, as per the survey, it can be said that the particular respondent is unstable and extroverted as this is characterized by touchy, aggressive, restless, excitable, impulsive, changeable, active and optimistic (Cohen, Prayag, Moital, 2013). Therefore, the characteristic of the respondent 1 is similar to the characteristic of the unstable and extroverted. Thus, it can be said that the characteristic of the respondent 1 can be better understand and explained by the Eysencks Personality Theory. Analysis of the Behavior of Respondent 1 using the Theories of Demographics According to the survey, it can be said that the Respondent 1 is of 19 years age, gender is male and his marital status is single or unmarried. The respondent is studying in the university and works as a shop assistant in a shop. At present the respondent 1 is studying an undergraduate degree. The ethnicity of the particular respondent is Australian. Thus, it can be said that the teenagers fall under the Eysencks Personality Theory. Analysis of the Behavior of Respondent 2 using the Theories of Personality According to the survey, it can be said that respondent 2 is more open to new experiences, is more careful and efficient and in addition to this, the particular respondent highly needs the power. The reason behind this is that as per the survey, the respondent gave most priority to these stated behaviors by marking them with highest number i.e. 5. Secondly, the behaviors that the respondent marked based on the priority are the high requirement for uniqueness (Miller Washington, 2011). Thirdly, the particular respondent marked she is extroverted, sympathetic and also kind to others and lastly she highly needs affiliation on the basis of the priority of her behaviors. Fourthly, the particular respondent marked her behavior as moody and none of the listed behaviors in the questionnaire survey was considered as least important by the particular respondent (Saad Aslam, 2011). All these behaviors, especially based on the priority of the respondent on careful and efficient, it can be said that the personality of the particular respondent can be better understood and analyzed by implementing the Freuds Theory (Labanauskait, Kiyak, Bago it, 2014). According to the Freuds Theory, most of the behavior of an individual occurred due to various parts of personality that are generally identified during the unconsciousness and also during the period when the people remain unaware. As per the Freuds Theory, there are three levels of consciousness, these are the conscious mind, the unconscious mind and the preconscious mind (Ishak Zabil, 2012). The conscious awareness is the smaller part of thinking that is opened or expressed in front of all but the unconscious awareness is the most part of thinking that includes wishes, thoughts, feelings and memories. Therefore, in other words it can be said that conscious indicates the things that are on focus i.e. which are in contact with the outer world, preconscious indicates the things or material that are beneath surface awaren ess and unconscious indicates that are difficult to retrieve material and are below the surface of awareness. Here, the respondent 2 follows the behavior of consciousness as she wants to be in contact with outer world and thus she marked the option open to new experiences at top most priority. Even the particular respondent puts high priority to the option of being careful and efficient (Heinonen, 2011). Thus, it can be said that the characteristic of the respondent 2 can be better understand and explained by the Freuds Theory. Analysis of the Behavior of Respondent 2 using the Theories of Demographics According to the survey, it can be said that the Respondent 2 is of 43 years age, gender is female and she is married. By occupation, she is management consultant and her highest education level is PhD. She does not make the holiday decisions on her own and her husband plays a vital role in making such holiday decisions. The respondent is Canadian by ethnicity. Therefore, it can be said that the middle agers and the individuals who belong to the high income group fall under the Freuds Theory. Analysis of the Behavior of Respondent 3 using the Theories of Personality According to the survey, it can be said that respondent 3 puts highest priority on the behavior of being careful and efficient as he marked the option with highest number that is 5. Secondly, the participant puts importance to his sympathetic nature and his nature of being kind to others and in addition to this he also have a high demand for affiliation (Gssling, Scott, Hall, Ceron, Dubois, 2012). Thirdly, the respondents put importance to the higher need for power. Fourthly, the respondents marked three options that indicate the priority of the respondent towards his nature of extraverted, open to new experiences and highly needs the uniqueness (Cohen, Prayag, Moital, 2013). And lastly, the particular respondent marked himself as moody. All the priorities of the behaviors of the respondent indicate that he follows the Freuds Theory. However, among all the three parts of the theory, the particular participant follow the consciousness as his top most priority is to be efficient and careful. Thus, it can be said that the characteristic of the respondent 3 can be better understand and explained by the Freuds Theory. Analysis of the Behavior of Respondent 3 using the Theories of Demographics According to the survey, it can be said that the Respondent 3 is of 51 years age, gender is male and he is married. By occupation he is a pharmacist and has the degree of Bachelor as the highest education level (Brunt, 2011). He also does not take decision regarding making holiday trips and takes decisions of his wife and sometimes kids. The particular respondent is Chinese in ethnicity. Therefore, here also it can be said that the middle agers and the individuals who belong to the high income group fall under the Freuds Theory (Blasco, Guia, Prats, 2013). Recommendations Therefore, it can be recommended to the marketers regarding the holiday option number 4 that is holiday trip to Hong Kong based on the questionnaire survey to the respondent number 4 that the people or individuals of the country China prefer much to visit Hong Kong, especially the middle agers or the late middle agers and the family men mostly prefer to visit this place along with his family. It can also be said that the people having the behaviors as that of the Freuds Theory mainly prefer to visit Hong Kong. By close analysis, it can also be said that people of the medieval status and who earns not too high and not too low that is who earns at a medium range generally prefer to visit Hong Kong. On the other hand, the people of China prefer to visit Hong Kong as the place is located within the country itself and thus relatively lesser expense is conducted here. For the people who are categorized under the Freuds Theory generally put importance to cost and then to the activities, fol lowed by the duration of the holiday tour. To this type of people who are categorized under the Freuds Theory, put lesser importance to food, transportation and accommodation. Therefore, a marketer should put importance on the theories of personality in order to prepare accurate tourism plan and to gain more customers. Conclusion The three different individuals have responded differently to the external situations. The selection of the holiday packages is dependent on the different views and perceptions carried by the three different individuals .The behavior of respondent 1 is based on the Eysencks Personality Theory. The person is more extrovert and responds positively to situations he faces in the external environment. As per the Freuds theory, the behavior of respondent 2 is more careful and analytical. The person takes more time to adjust to the external surroundings. As per the recommendations, the people of China like to visit Hongkong due to its convenient location as well as less costs. This is consistent with Freuds Theory, which states that expenses are a primary factor affecting the consumer behavior. References Cohen, S., Prayag, G., Moital, M. (2013). Consumer behaviour in tourism: Concepts, influences and opportunities.Current Issues In Tourism,17(10), 872-909. Eysenck, H. J. (Ed.). (2012). A model for personality. Springer Science Business Media. Gssling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C., Ceron, J., Dubois, G. (2012). Consumer behaviour and demand response of tourists to climate change. Heinonen, K. (2011). Consumer activity in social media: Managerial approaches to consumers' social media behavior.Journal Of Consumer Behaviour,10(6), 356-364. Ishak, S. M. Zabil, N. (2012). Impact of Consumer Awareness and Knowledge to Consumer Effective Behavior.Asian Social Science,8(13). Poropat, A. E., Corr, P. J. (2015). Thinking bigger: The Cronbachian paradigm personality theory integration. Journal of Research in Personality, 56, 59-69. Solomon, M. R. (2014). Consumer behavior: buying, having, and being. Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Spielberger, C. D. (Ed.). (2013). Anxiety and behavior. Academic Press. Xiao, J., Ford, M., Kim, J. (2011). Consumer Financial Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Review of Selected Theories and Research.
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