Friday, January 24, 2020
Ancient Egypt Essay example -- essays research papers
The Nile      The Nile river was the most important thing to Ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians were very smart because they were settled near a river. Without the Nile the Egyptians wouldn’t survive, and even now we wouldn’t study their history. The Nile was so important because it gave them water and fertilizer for farming and they believed in a God of the Nile whos name was Osiris The God of The Nile River.      â€Å"Irrigation along much of the river supported the growth of agricultural products such as cotton, wheat, sorghum, dates, citrus fruits, sugarcane, and various legumes.1†Other local communities fished in the Nile River. â€Å"The first great African civilization developed in the northern Nile Valley in about 5000 BC. Dependent on agriculture, this state, called Egypt, relied on the flooding of the Nile for irrigation and new soils.2†     The Nile was their only way of trading and fastest way of transportation. Without the Nile it would take them a long time to go from city to city or trade. Egyptians always depended on the Nile to flood, when the ice from the mountains melted every year there was a flood. The flood from Nile left furtilizer for farming, and when there wasn’t a flood they depended on fishing and trading. Pharaohs      Pharaohs were very important to the Egyptians, they control everything. for every great Pharaoh there wa...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Relationship of Procrastination and Self-Esteem on the Failing Grades
THE RELATIONSHIP OF SELF-ESTEEM AND PROCRASTINATION ON THE FAILING GRADES OF THE COLLEGE STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MINDANAO, KABACAN, COTABATO PAMELA CLAIRE C. GARROTE A Thesis Outline Submitted to the Department of Psychology, College Of Arts and Sciences, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PSYCHOLOGY MARCH 2013 INTRODUCTION College is a fun, exciting, and challenging experience for most students, but for some, it is simply too much to handle.Few high school students are aware of what college life is like. Unlike in high school, college classes usually require a large amount of time spent outside class, working for the class, and some students do not understand the importance of this. A surprisingly large number of college freshmen have extremely poor time-management skills, which can lead to more time, spent partying than studying, which is the main cause of failing tests. All of these are causes of the students ultimately flunking out of college.Self-esteem is the overall self-evaluation of one’s self, this is according to Myers. It is said to be the most important in helping the person grow. You cannot achieve a certain goal if you don’t have it. With a high level of self-esteem, it can help you in your studies, at work and in dealing with other people. Procrastination, in layman’s term, it said to be wasting your time. This dilemma is very common especially in those who are studying. With this kind of attitude there are most likely to be successful.Many students entering college have extremely poor time management skills. One major problem is procrastination. Some students will wait till the night before a project is due before starting it, quickly rushing through the project, making careless errors, and getting little rest that night. Another self-destructive habit many college students have is cramming for tests. Often this cramm ing session takes place the night before, or even the morning of, the test, wherein the student tries to cover many weeks worth of material in a few hours.This method of studying is almost worthless because the student will never retain any of the knowledge he or she â€Å"studied. Objectives of the Study The purpose of this study wants to know the relationship of self-esteem and procrastination on the failing grades of the college students of University of Southern Mindanao, specifically aims to: 1. Measure the level of their self-esteem. 2. Know if self-esteem and procrastination create a big impact in their failing grades. Significance of the Study The outcome of this study can be very helpful, especially to the locale of the study.If this study will be conducted successfully, those students who have failing grades because of low self-esteem and are procrastinating can be serving as participants in seminars such as boosting your self-esteem. It can be beneficial to the universit y they can also help improve the education of the students. Scope and Delimitation This study focuses on the self-esteem and procrastination and its possible relation to the failing grades of the college students of USM. The participants were chosen regardless of their age, sex/gender, ethnicity, and financial ability.The participants were also those who have failing grades. Hypothesis of the Study Ho: There is no relationship of self-esteem and procrastination on failing grades. Theoretical Framework Individual Psychology was founded by Alfred Adler. It is a cognitive, goal-oriented, social psychology interested in a person’s beliefs and perceptions, as well as the effects that person’s behavior has on others. It is one of the few psychologies interested in democratic processes in the home, school and work place.Individual Psychology promotes social equality, which means granting each other mutual respect and dignity regardless of our inherent differences. It is no t a set of techniques but a comprehensive philosophy of living. The three most fundamental principles are: (1) behavior is goal oriented; (2) humans are fundamentally social, with a desire to belong and have a place of value as an equal human being; and (3) the individual is indivisible and functions with unity of personality (Ferguson, 1984).These principles, which make Individual Psychology unique from other approaches, are described in Adlerian psychology as purposiveness, social interest, and holism. Together, these principles describe the person as moving in unity toward self-chosen goals that reflect a human value for belonging and social contribution. Conceptual Framework In this study, self-esteem (IV) is also the basis to the participants’ overall self-evaluation and procrastination (IV) as the basis in determining the student’s behavior in school.And failing grades (DV) will be the basis in getting the needed data. Failing Grades Self-esteem Procrast ination Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the relationship of self – esteem and procrastination on the failing grades of the participants. Operational Definition of Terms METHODOLOGY Research Design The relationship of self-esteem and procrastination on failing grades will use the survey and correlational analysis research design to obtain baseline information on the failing grades of the college students of USM.Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study are those college students who have failing grades last semester school year 2013-2014. Locale of the Study The locale of the study is located on the northern part of Region XII, specifically on the town of Kabacan, where the University of Southern Mindanao is located. This is a state university, with a population of more or less fifteen (15) thousand students. The main college to be conducted with the survey is the College of Arts and Sciences.In this college, there are eight (8) courses. These are: Bachelor of Ar ts in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Development Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Bachelor of Science in Criminology, BLISS, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Arts in English. This college has a population of more or less five (5) thousand students. Data Gathering Procedure The researcher of this study will get the probationary list in each course of the College of Arts and Sciences.These courses are Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Development Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Bachelor of Science in Criminology, BLISS, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Arts in English. After having the list, the researcher will communicate with those students who are included in the list and the researcher will let them take the tests, which are the self-esteem and procrastination tests. The researcher will limit to fifty (50) respondents d epending on the availability of the students.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Importance Of Artificial Intelligence - 2225 Words
We are not live in 19th or 20th century anymore. It is the 21st century now; things have changed, such as people, tools, policies, especially the learning environment. Learning areas are not limited to the classroom; it could happen at anywhere, such as the library, home, garden, etc. Therefore, because it is the 21st century, we also need to learn 21st-century skills. Pellegrino and Hilton (2012) mentioned that 21st-century skills include cognitive abilities (nonroutine problem solving, system thinking, and critical thinking), interpersonal skills (range from active listening, to presentation skills, to conflict resolution), and interpersonal skills (broadly clustered under adaptability and self-management/self-development personal†¦show more content†¦Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. These include social media, online games and applications, multimedia, productivity applications, cloud computin g, interoperable systems and mobile devices (Victoria State Government, n.d.). Thus, many people think digital technology and education has connected with each other. They believe that the school is making students learning and spreading the knowledge of society, and digital technology is providing skills for students to be better understand the theory idea, information, and intelligent behavior (Woolf, Lane, Chaudhri and Lolodner, 2013). Digital technology also could help the teacher to develop the personalized educational programs for individuals or groups of students, and even help students use a range of learning styles and methods. Thus, in this essay, I will discuss the problems and the role of digital technology in education, the and explain some ideas could help the school in the future through digital technology. Nowadays, more and more people depend on digital products. Digital technologies are everywhere, and even bringing many exciting opportunities for the society, especially for schools (Ministry of Education, 2017). Therefore, not only adults using or play smartphone or tablets at school or outside the classroom but also many younger people since from their early ageShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Artificial Intelligence1302 Words  | 6 PagesArtificial intelligence is the utilization of computers to imitate human brains in restricted domains. This is a consequence of developing computer which carry on logically, reason rationally and can adequately decipher its surroundings continuously in real time. Artificial Intelligence is no longer a fictionist concept, the superior computing prowess of artificial intelligence has enabled them to surpass humans in problem solving. 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