Monday, August 24, 2020
Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Promoting plan - Essay Example Second part talks about the worldwide promoting plan and third is the suggestion. Settle SA is a global organization that has been fruitful in holding business in numerous pieces of the world. As an issue of extension, it is intending to enter another domain. How they will enter the domain and its promoting techniques will be talked about in this paper. Settle SA is the holding organization of Nestle Group that is situated in Switzerland. It was established by Henri Nestle whose name is held as company’s name. Its principle exercises are the turn of events and creation of food and refreshments. Settle Group deals with the food and refreshment exercises in three land zones (Europe, America and Asia, Oceania and Africa), and all around for Nestle Water, Nestle Nutrition, and other food and drinks). Starting at 2012, organization has utilized 328,000 individuals worldwide and earned CHF 92.2 billion. (Reuters. 2015). Top 3 contenders to Nestle are Mars, Inc., Danone and Mondelez, International, Inc. Organization crucial â€Å"Good food, great life†is to furnish buyers with the best tasting, most nutritious decisions in a wide scope of food and refreshment classifications and eating events, from morning to night.†(Reuters. 2015) Conversation about pertinent chronicled improvements of India, in this paper, begins in the nineteenth wherein it was ruled by Great Britain. It was allowed autonomy in 1947 following quite a while of peaceful opposition was arranged by its pioneer Gandhi. Prior years were not serene, since in the wake of picking up freedom, it was upset by three wars with neighboring nations, and the last one was in 1971 that come about to the division of Pakistan and India. There were atomic dangers in 1988 and a psychological oppressors assault in Mumbai on that year. (CIA Worldfactbook, 2015). Nation resisted the urge to panic after this. India’s development began in 1991 after a progression of monetary
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Conservative Nostalgia in the United States of America Essay
Traditionalist Nostalgia in the United States of America - Essay Example Then again, traditionalists enormously accept and accept that each individual ought to be mindful; there ought to be free markets, constrained or least government mediation, an unbending and firm national guard individual freedom and those antiquated American qualities (Lipsman 129). They more underline that the capacity of the administration is to concede the people or residents the opportunity to satisfy their own objectives and desire. The significant focuses that will be talked about in this article are the contentions that traditionalists typically need and examine whether if there reasons are substantial and attempt to contrast them and government approaches and the liberals’ contentions. Most writers have concocted various thoughts and supposition to legitimize the contrasts between the moderates and the dissidents and this paper is engaged to draw out the contentions between the different sides, initially, as indicated by Lipsam, traditionalists are normally centered a round forestalling the negative outcomes and are better sorted out while nonconformists focus on being inventive and they are liberal and as a rule focus on positive results (Lipsman 37). By and large, Anderson accepts that traditionalists have solid inspiration contrasted with dissidents who centers around safeguarding of virtue and neatness this is prove where by moderates are snappier, productive henceforth easing up their philosophies, though nonconformists are effortful and purposeful subsequently there distinction in belief systems too(Anderson 10). In this article we will talk about a portion of the elements.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Ultimate Guide to Social Entrepreneurship
Ultimate Guide to Social Entrepreneurship © | CHOATphotographerIn this article youll learn about 1) what social entrepreneurship is, 2) the history of social entrepreneurship, 3) how it differs from commercial entrepreneurship, and 4) some examples for social enterprises.INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPDue to the growing demand for responsibility and accountability from companies, the space for business models resolving social problems came to be. The rise of social entrepreneurship is unique in the sense that it not only seeks profit. It measures itself by the so-called fourth metric or its ability to contribute to nation-building, social justice, environmental protection, or any other mission the company seeks to align itself to.Instead of the usual CSR or corporate social responsibility that most corporations employ to provide support to causes, social entrepreneurship cuts deeper. Helping is at the core of its existence but it also does not only rely on external donations to sustain itself. This fact alone makes social entrepreneurship a game-changing business model.Social Entrepreneurship In Numbers: Charity Begins At HomeWhen it comes to performance, it pays to look at the two top first world countries, USA and UK from the data gathered by the Great Social Enterprise Census. In the US alone, social enterprises employ ten million people and generate total revenues of 500 billion dollars that contribute to a staggering 3.5% to the total US GDP. The mix of enterprises is about 35% non-profit and 31% corporations following suit.On the other side of the pond, the United Kingdom lists social entrepreneurs as one of the main drivers of its economy. With 800,000 people employed, it might seem to be trailing the US. However, it boasts of 68,000 enterprises and 24 billion pounds of revenue.These social enterprises range from a variety of industries and beneficiaries such as infants and mothers, employment assistance, and the environment. What is more impressive is that these small companies are assisting and committing to causes right at their own country, helping their own countrymen while earning revenue.But what is social entrepreneurship and how does it affect the business in general? This definitive guide seeks to clarify what it is and what it is not and case studies that can shed light to a successful social enterprise and what the future holds in this ever-changing economy while running a company with a soul.The Rise Of The Social EntrepreneurSocial entrepreneurship is all about marrying social mission and business discipline. As opposed to what most people would surmise, numbers and innovation matter when it comes to this business model while at its heart is the marginalized and the poor.Given this definition, who then is the social entrepreneur? While businessmen aim to define, compete or create a market with the goal of earning in mind, the social entrepreneur looks at his community, sees the challenges, and commits to their, a not-for-profit organization registered in the US and whose name was derived from a social welfare leader who was a unifying force in India during the 3rd century BC, further expounds on social entrepreneurs as change agents who have new approaches and creative solutions to society’s problems. But more than just developing grand ideas, a true social entrepreneur implements this in a grand scale.The Social Entrepreneur: Richard Branson Mother TeresaTo become an effective social entrepreneur is all about being Richard Branson and Mother Teresa all at the same time as further described by the Schwab Foundation, an institution established in 1998 under the Swiss Federal Government with 260 social entrepreneurs in its community that continues to grow with its annual selection of new members under a fine-toothed selection process.With its yearly selection of social entrepreneurs, the Schwab Foundation has these four criteria that it looks at when screening: innovation, sustainability , reach, and social impact. They also list certain personality characteristics as common among the most effective social entrepreneurs, but what stands out are these three:Values monitoring and measuring â€" the best social entrepreneurs know exactly where they are going due to a steadfast adherence to metrics and data, measuring their progress every step of the wayFeedback hungry â€" adapting easily to changes from valid feedback and researchHealthy impatience â€" simply put, they cannot sit still and wait for change to happen because they can and will make it happenSOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A LOOK AT ITS HISTORYSocial entrepreneurship was fuelled by the unprecedented advances in economy, which were not parallel to the progress in the social standing of people. Because of this, there was a great divide between rich and poor, and the number of marginalized rose exponentially in number. While most turned its cheek, a few took it as an opportunity to make a difference.To further unders tand and imbibe what social entrepreneurship is all about, it’s worth looking at its history through its most popular proponents, the people who looked and saw the reality of social injustice and did something about it:Dr. Maria MontessoriEvery country definitely has a Montessori school and it’s all because of Dr. Maria who revolutionized early childhood education. Thanks to her study rooted in psychiatry, she questioned how the current methods of learning placed the mentally challenged students at a disadvantage compared to other students. It all started when she put up Children’s House in a poor district in Rome. Her experiments were built upon the idea that children are able to teach themselves without the supervision of adults. These showed promising results. Although the students were unruly at first, she persevered and refined the Montessori program that hinges itself in the idea that children have a natural desire to learn.Florence NightingaleToday’s modern hospitals have to thank Florence Nightingale. Her commitment to innovate hospitals paved the way to making them much safer, providing better conditions such as having ample natural lighting, air, and gardens. Her writings also employed graphs, making them much easier to be understood even by the common man. She opened the first nursing school and provided modern nursing practices that are still being followed today.William LeverWilliam Lever’s social mission is all about the whole idea that cleanliness can be achieved by every person. He started with his Sunlight Soap that comes pre-cut and added palm oils so that it will be quick to lather. The one in the market at that time was cut from a big batch at a store and was harder to use. He also started a six-hour workweek for employees, a far cry from the conditions in other factories in the manufacturing business, so that they can also focus on their exercise routine and further care for their health. Today, Lever Bros. is the multinational U nilever who has William Lever’s mission at the core of its business practices.TYPES OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISESThere are many kinds of social enterprises and these can be classified succinctly into these three:Leverage non-profit: uses funds in innovative ways to be able to fulfil a need. Usually, these enterprises have a more traditional way of tackling the issues they take up.Hybrid non-profit: uses profit to be able to support its causes and operations. Funding comes from market or government failures aside from grants and support from the private sector.Social business venture: uses set-up businesses in line with the enterprise to support its operations. This mostly happens to social enterprises due to lack of funds and/or support.DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TYPICAL COMMERCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPThere are definitely stark differences between social enterprise and the usual business. Here are the major items to look at to know which is which:Goal settingWhen it comes to its reason for existing, social enterprises prioritizes two things: great impact and sustainability. When put up, the first thing it considers is the kind of social need or injustice it seeks to respond to or its great big idea and if it’s sustainable enough to scale and affect more people. It looks at profit as a secondary need. On the other hand, commercial entrepreneurship is all about the money and amassing more of it so that it can be re-invested in the business. The needs of society come as an afterthought, when enough money has been earned and there is a surplus in the budget to spend on corporate social responsibility.‘I’ versus “We†When it comes to viability, most commercial enterprises are judged based on the ability of the team to deliver. Most venture capitalists look at the board of directors at the helm of the company to see if they are able to deliver the task at hand of running the daily operations. For profit business are judged primarily by the variet y of roles it hires to ensure that every department is handled by several people who are experts in their own way or field. Investors look at companies or corporations as a well-made machine made of many parts, with their money being the oil that makes it run.On the other hand, social enterprises are based mostly on the person who has the idea. Social enterprises’ ability to make money or receive funds rests upon the shoulders of its founder. He or she serves as the brand ambassador as he or she thought of the idea in the first place, much like a symbol of the cause. Philanthropists who fund non-profits most especially invest and give donations due to their belief to the person’s commitment and passion for his or her mission in life, which is to give back to society.Wealth creationWhen it comes to making money, a commercial enterprise will continue to innovate and create to fill a need in a consumer’s life. When this happens, the consumer happily purchases the product or servi ce and the profit comes rolling in. This becomes part of the company’s cash flow to again innovate to earn much more from its consumers. On the other end, Daria Uhlig of Demand Media mentions that social enterprise truly only uses wealth as a tool and not something that is there for the benefit of itself. Although it’s not the primary goal, social enterprises see wealth as an integral part of its ability to support its many causes.ProfitabilityThe best way to differentiate the measurement of a social enterprises’ profitability versus that of a commercial enterprise is by looking at its beneficiaries. Commercial enterprises exist to make shareholders and private investors happy. The fact that they are able to generate profits to give as dividends or fulfil the return of investment of creditors make them successful and profitable.For the social enterprise, profits are good, but it is funnelled immediately to the recipient cause that it seeks to support. Whether it is a school or a foundation for example, the social enterprise judges itself against a combined return on investment that speak of the following: the financial and the social return on the money it spends on its projects. Impact is of the essence when it comes to social enterprises.CASE STUDIES: SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL ENTERPRISESWhen it comes to social enterprise, an idea is cheap if it’s not executed. These samples of success stories embody the quote of LinkedIn’s Rick Hoffman when he said that the first mover is not the one who is first to launch but the first to scale.These social enterprises have redefined the industries by just a germ of an idea that was brought to life and created massive impact.Grameen Bank: What if we lend money to the poor instead of giving it to them?The Grameen Bank’s proponent Muhammad Yunus embodies the true social entrepreneur and more if you ask the first people he suggested his idea to in the 1970’s. Yunus was the Head of the Rural Economics Program in the Univ ersity of Chittanoga when he thought of providing credit to the rural poor. With its name “Grameen†literally meaning rural or village, Yunus saw the flaw in the prevailing idea that poor people are low-income, low-saving, and low investment, which lock them further into a never-ending cycle of poverty.While most banks knock on the door of the richest, Yunus set out to prove that when given the access to capital, teaching them how to fish, they can also create a good life for themselves. Armed with capital, he set out to prove his idea right by choosing a few families and giving them access to capital that they can use to set up small businesses. With the help of the Bangladeshi government in funding, Grameen Bank became an independent bank in 1983.Proof of its success is that today, around 80 million citizens of Bangladesh uses its services to better their lives and to also support Grameen-like banks all over the world. It has also diversified further and has provided the poor with access to other amenities such as health, education, water, food, and electricity. With the Grameen Creative Lab, it created the Global Social Business Summit, a venue of the world to think of effective solutions to its pressing problems via synergistic collaborations and discussions.Philippines’ Gawad Kalinga: Sustainable way of getting the poor out of povertyTwo words have been used to describe Gawad Kalinga’s Tony Meloto over the years: insane and visionary. His idea was perceived by many in the beginning as utopian as his main objective was to eradicate poverty by 2024 in the Philippines and his path to this goal is by creating sustainable villages.It’s no surprise that Meloto would choose this path. After all, he grew up exposed to the squatters living alongside his home. After a stint in the corporate world as a purchasing manager, Meloto was exposed to gangs and violence in one village that is mired in deep poverty. Instead of dole outs, he thought of making the pl ace progressive by first providing a good home to these people as he believed that true human dignity springs from a person who lives in a peaceful and clean environment.To make this happen, his social enterprise model consists of the local government, volunteers, and companies coming together to create sustainable communities. Instead of just setting up housing, he made sure that every community has a means to earn and conduct business to prevent them from returning to squatter living and violence.Today, Gawad Kalinga has created 3,000 villages and counting and has put up the Center for Social Innovation, a Silicon Valley-like lab that seeks to create more social entrepreneurs. One such success story that it has created to espouse its message is its Human Heart Nature business, which is pro-poor and pro-environment. It creates a line of cosmetics that are natural and organic with ingredients coming from farms tended to by the people living in Gawad Kalinga villages.Because of its s o-called radical optimism, Gawad Kalinga is a sought-after partner by corporations for their corporate social responsibility programs and countries in Europe for partnerships.Ashoka: Ideas that make the world a better placeWhile most businesses leverage money to create more money, the whole vision of Bill Drayton, a consummate academic with a deep understanding of social systems, is to treat ideas as currency that when strengthened can scale and change the world.As founder and CEO of Ashoka, Drayton and his team annually find fellows into its fold who have the best ideas for social enterprise. It provides the right amount of support through financing, living stipends, professional guidance, and access to peer mentoring across the globe. Its name is a homage to a real person who is a true social innovator by encouraging the people in India. True to its name, Ashoka is a place where the best social entrepreneurs converge to save the world’s most pressing problems.It now has evolved to be more inclusive and it challenges people to take up social entrepreneurship via its Everyone a Changemaker project, highlighting the fact that everyone can innovate and improve the social aspect of their communities in their own way.IS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP THE WAY OF THE FUTURE?With the wave of social awareness brought upon by collapsing economies and climate change, social entrepreneurship has truly evolved from a buzzword to a way of life. There is a need for a shift in the mind setting of current entrepreneurs that while profit is good, making profit for an even greater good is better.Social entrepreneurship is not the way of the future, it is the one thing that will guarantee a future in every community and country it finds itself in as it cares for the marginalized, the environment, and the people that it affects while being a sustainable business model.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
My Speech On My Life - 1594 Words
Dragging myself home from school, I walked into my house with tearful eyes thinking my life stood unbearable. My entire family saw me enter the house without an ounce of glee, wondering what black cloud surrounded my thoughts. After years of fantasizing about the life I always desired, the breaking point came and swallowed me whole without warning. My patience began to diminish over time, consequently leading to the most important talk of my life. Walking into my room with a ball of frustration in my throat, my dad follows, like a shadow, with his concerned words. We sit down and he immediately understands my sorrow, as we spoke before about my undying impatience millions of times before. As we spoke, my dad said, â€Å"Good things come in time.†No other five words have ever touched my heart like those did at that very moment. In the blink of an eye, time flew by and my father and I spoke for three uninterrupted, godly hours that changed the course of my life. From that day f orward, I knew that exhibiting patience would determine my success in life. Throughout all of my middle school years, I dreamed about representing my school to the best of my ability on the basketball court. Making the basketball team stood as the holy grail at that time in my life, and I needed to do everything possible to achieve it. With sharpened basketball skills and a mind of a coach, I felt confident in my chances of making the team. When the day of tryouts came in my sixth-grade year, I foundShow MoreRelatedMy Speech On My Life1355 Words  | 6 Pagesevent has changed my life not for the better, but for the worst. My thought process is broken beyond repair. I have always hated everything about myself as long as I can remember. I started losing passions in the things that kept me sane. I have changed and will never be the same again. Over the years my hatred towards myself has became an unbearable pain to live with. In elementary school, I began to hate my skin color. I can not remember the exact reason why, but I know that my self-hatred had somethingRead MoreMy Speech On My Life1162 Words  | 5 PagesI just feel better with him by my side. I know I can t tell him that, I can t seem to tell him even the simplest of things. When I got home there was no one there, I called the hospital to see if my father was there. It turned out when I was at school he got up to go to the bathroom alone and fell and could not help himself up. I tired to talk to him on the phone but he hung up we he found out it was me and not my brother. I don t know what everyone sees in my brother. I understand that I amRead MoreMy Speech On My Life922 Words  | 4 Pages My mom always says everything happens for a reason, I use to never believe that because of everything happened to us. I was only 6 and 11 months old when my parents, Sumaya and Abraham, told me the news that changed my perfect life. We lived in Chicago at the moment, the house in front of the big park. My mother would take me to the park every day after she picked me up from school, which was only two blocks away from the house. We would go home and eat, do homework, shower, and then we would layRead MoreMy Speech On My Life1357 Words  | 6 Pagesmonths I have been going about my life. Working, exercising, giving value back to others but I felt a lack of spark. It was as if everything I was doing was simply for the sake of it and it seemed that everything I was doing was lacking the depth and significance that I loved. The clock ticked. November 1st came and something magical happened. november I simply stopped where I was, looked up at the sky and began to use my imagination. I shut out the world, closed my eyes and began to imagine allRead MoreA Speech On My Life1572 Words  | 7 Pagesmoment in my life I see myself as a young woman who wants to accomplish my goals in completing my career and becoming a mentor to kids around me. For instance, one of the values I have that my parents have instructed me was to be a part of an influence in someone else s live. My parents have always told me to have a goal to influence others to make a right decision or help them out. Therefore, my parents have grown in me a caring person to others and help others around me. Therefore, my interestRead MoreA Speech On My Life Essay921 Words  | 4 PagesWelcome to my life Education is â€Å"key†to succeed in today’s society as I see it. Individuals whom have been out of school for many years can feel their knowledge slowly fade away. Some individuals can possibly relate? I have experienced this feeling myself. I have began to seek motivation within myself by submitting an application to Suu. Right then and there I knew I was on the right track to build confidence within and quit doubting myself. Some subjects have been a struggle for me while growingRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Life977 Words  | 4 PagesUniversity. My parents were hosting a graduation brunch for me at the scenic Valley Green Inn in Philadelphia’s historic Fairmount Park. There were over a hundred guests present that day, a mix of family, friends, and others who made an impact on me over the course of my life. It was just a few short months away from the beginning of law school. I remember looking over at my parents shortly after the brunch began; my mother was looking at me and her eyes were filled with tears. Next to her, my dad wasRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Life1578 Words  | 7 Pages Looking back at all I’ve accomplished through out my K-12 years I’ve realized it’s taught me so much about life. In elementary I was taught my manners while incorporating basic subjects such as math, reading, writing, etc. I can remember how prestigious nap times were and the little snack breaks I used to have during class. Those days were the best days. My first academic success actually came in the third grade when I was on the honor roll all four quarters of the school year. I didn’t think beingRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Life1141 Words  | 5 Pages Friends that we make from our high school years are the ones that we will have for a lifetime. And I am glad I made some friends during the course of my high school years. Those fr iendships, hopefully, would travel with me until I enter college, the world of adulthood, and the very last stage of my lifeâ€â€death. One of those friendships, one of my treasures, is between Ryan and me. He and I first met in a math class back in freshman year. It was the first day of school, and everythingâ€â€classmates,Read MoreGraduation Speech : My Life1317 Words  | 6 PagesIf someone were to ask me a couple years ago if graduate studies were in my plans, my reply would be â€Å"absolutely not!†Back then, there was not really a good reason that motivated me to continue my education after graduating with a degree in Public Health Education. The mere thought of more school exhausted me. Though my mentality seemingly changed, one thing that cannot be denied is my love for the game of basketball, which has been almost cruelly ignored until recently. The countless times
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children Should Not Use the Internet Without Their...
Children should not use the Internet without their Parents Supervision Internet is a network that virtually connects computers around the world. It has an address network which makes communication possible between the computers. It is an open phone line and an open television channel to millions of people around the world who can communicate anonymously (Palmer, 2006). People use it to exchange files and e-mails, to surf the World Wide Web, to download songs or other types of files, to take part of discussion boards, and to send instant messages. It can be beneficial when it comes to freedom of press, and less disintermediation between people (Palmer, 2006). It can also be of assistance when it comes to doing some kind of research,†¦show more content†¦Not to forget, that other people, those who read the rumors and gossips, can reply to those posts which demeaning and hurtful expression. Children who use it do so in order to bully others and make fun of them in public. Bullies are typically young people who use the internet as a means to hurt t heir victims (Magid, 2003) in an anonymous fashion. Additionally, children are at risk of bringing in viruses to the computer. Such viruses can get to the computer when children download files such as songs, videos, or even presentations. They can be very harmful to the workstation and can delete important files and software programs from the computer’s hard-disk. Sometimes the problem is irreversible, and in order to be able to use the computer once again, it should be formatted and sometimes even the hard-disk must be changed. The problem does not fall in the act of downloading programs; yet, it falls in the act of downloading them from untrusting websites that are full of Trojans and worms, or even from websites that, on purpose, download some kind of Trojan that can go into the computer and help the website’s owner hack that specific computer. Thus, increase the hacker’s remote control over the computer (Maggie, 2003) which can jeopardize the privacy and the safety of the family members in the household, whet her they use the computer or not. Other risks that are worthy of mention are the legal and financial risks in which children can,Show MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Effect On Society1386 Words  | 6 Pagesembedded in machines, computers, devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things. Technology has produced many positive contributions to society and how it has grown into what it is now, but it can be said that certain technologies have had a destructive effect on society. At the current time, people can t imagine their lives without technology. They surround themselves with various technologies that are made to make their livesRead MoreEssay on Effect of Mass Media on Youth775 Words  | 4 Pagesespecially on youth. 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The rule that the computer should be placed in a common area of the house still hasRead MoreThe Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Internet911 Words  | 4 Pagesresponsibility towards children and young people to make them aware of the dangers which they may face in the outside world. In school, this awareness has historically been around issues such as road safety, stranger danger and how to treat and respond to others. As well as being an additional resource, the emergence of the Internet has opened up a wide range of additional threats to children. As many children now have access to a computer in their own homes it is important for all children to become familiarRead MoreEssay on The Power of the Internet970 Words  | 4 PagesThe Power of the Internet The Power of the Internet has literally taken over the way society goes on about everyday life. It has impacted on American youth more than anything, but this impact is not necessarily positive. Some sites are educational, while others are filled with sex, drugs, and racist material. There was a time when kids were safe studying in their bedrooms, but now, if a computer and modem are present, leaving them alone in their bed rooms can be as risky as leaving themRead MoreInfluences of Cartoons on Children1458 Words  | 6 Pagesfound in the internet. In a news article written by Alia Bibi Roshan Zehra (2012), â€Å"Effects of Cartoons on children’s psychology and behavioural patterns†, said that with the limitlessness of media and extension of channels, it has become easier for children to watch their favourite cartoons on a single click and at the same time it has become more convenient for parents to provide children with this all-time favourite activity of theirs. Time which was previously spent by children in outdoor activitiesRead MoreSocial Media And The Internet1564 Words  | 7 Pagesand the Internet. Many years ago, before phones and computers were invented, simply going outside to play was a great way to spend time with friends and be entertained. Technology has evolved greatly since these days. Teens can communicate, post pictures, and search anything on the Internet nowadays. Although social media is a very big hit in this century, the real question is, is it safe? What does the use of social media a nd the Internet lead teens to do? Social media and the internet have causedRead MoreNegative Effects Of Internet Addiction808 Words  | 4 PagesNegative Effects of Internet Addiction Currently, people utilize the internet frequently a lot of type of internet addiction. Some youngsters, however, are addicted to the internet. They spend more time playing online games and watching TV shows on the internet, which means they stop going outside with their friends and even if stop going to schools. Internet should benefit people. But a number of people are controlled by internet. In other words, internet addiction will influence people in someRead MoreParental Control and the Internet836 Words  | 3 PagesParental Control and the Internet Probably every parent wants to be a supportive guardian while protecting his child from being exposed to inappropriate web content. The problem is that the subtle line between safeguarding and spying may be difficult to delineate. It seems like many parents, especially those having teenagers, tend to choose a liberal strategy fearing to overdo the monitoring and spoil the relationship their children. However, I believe, a permissive approach can lead to a situationRead MoreThe Effects Of Internet On Children And Young People1414 Words  | 6 Pagesresponsibility towards children and young people to make them aware of the dangers which they may face in the outside world. In school, this awareness has historically been around issues such as road safety, stranger danger and how to treat and respond to others. As well as being an additional resource, the emergence of the Internet has opened up a wide range of additional threats to children. As many children now have access to a comput er in their own homes it is important for all children to become familiar
Hong Kong Free Essays
What about Hong Kong? If we explore the culture of Hong Kong through the lens of the 5-D Model, we can get a good overview of the deep drivers of its culture relative to other world cultures. Power distance This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. We will write a custom essay sample on Hong Kong or any similar topic only for you Order Now At 68 Hong Kong has a high score on PDI – i. e. a society that believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable. The subordinate-superior relationship tends to be polarized and there is no defense against power abuse by superiors. Individuals are influenced by formal authority and sanctions and are in general optimistic about people’s capacity for leadership and initiative. Individualism The fundamental issue addressed by this dimension is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. It has to do with whether people? s self-image is defined in terms of â€Å"I†or â€Å"We†. In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist societies people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty. At a score of 25 Hong Kong is a collectivist culture where people act in the interests of the group and not necessarily of themselves. In-group considerations affect hiring and promotions with closer in-groups (such as family) are getting preferential treatment. Whereas relationships with colleagues are cooperative for in-groups they are cold or even hostile to out-groups. Personal relationships prevail over task and company. Communication is indirect and the harmony of the group has to be maintained, open conflicts are avoided. Masculinity / Femininity A high score (masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational behaviour. A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine). At 57 Hong Kong is a somewhat masculine society –success oriented and driven. The need to ensure success can be exemplified by the fact that many will spend many hours at work. Service people (such as hairdressers) will provide services until very late at night. Another example is that students care very much about their exam scores and ranking as this is the main criteria to achieve success or not. Uncertainty avoidance The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways. The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the UAI score. At 29 Hong Kong has a low score on uncertainty avoidance. Adherence to laws and rules may be flexible to suit the actual situation and pragmatism is a fact of life. The people in Hong Kong are comfortable with ambiguity; the Chinese language is full of ambiguous meanings that can be difficult for Western people to follow. They are adaptable and entrepreneurial. Long term orientation The long term orientation dimension is closely related to the teachings of Confucius and can be interpreted as dealing with society’s search for virtue, the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view. With a score of 96 Hong Kong is a highly long term oriented society in which persistence and perseverance are normal. Relationships are ordered by status and the order is observed. People are thrifty and sparing with resources and investment tends to be in long term projects such as real estate. Traditions can be adapted to suit new conditions. How to cite Hong Kong, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The two symbols that I choose for American Translations were the wobbly table and Suyuans Pendant Essay Example For Students
The two symbols that I choose for American Translations were the wobbly table and Suyuans Pendant Essay The two symbols that I choose for American Translations were the wobbly table and Suyuans Pendant. These symbols represent what goes on within Lenas and Jing- Meis lives. The table and the vase in Lenas home come to symbolize Lenas marriage. Like their relationships, the table is rickety and badly designed- ready to collapse with the slightest annoyance. Lena had placed a vase on a wobbly table. Lena placed the vase was placed knowing it was in a dangerous position. She does not do anything to protect the vase from breaking. Like the vase, Lenas marriage is in danger of falling and shattering. We will write a custom essay on The two symbols that I choose for American Translations were the wobbly table and Suyuans Pendant specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Harold who built the wobbly table when he was studying architecture and design is responsible for not fixing it, as well as , Lena is responsible for putting the vase on the wobbly table. Similarly, Harold was responsible for not be supportive and strong enough to hold his commitment and his marriage as Lean was responsible for knowing the marriage was in danger of shattering but refused to take any action. Ying- Ying shows her daughter as an image instead of words about, how her marriage is, Fallen down à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ And its such a simple question. pg181. However, when her mother accidentally causes the vase to break, she lets Lean see that she should prevent disasters before they happen, rather than letting them happen, just like how Ying-Ying has done all her life. However, Harold is unaware of the tables bad designs as he is about his marriage. For example, Harold continues to buy ice cream every week but never notices that Lena never eats any of it. However, Lenas aware of the fragility of the table, and her marriage. When she tells Harold of her unhappiness and her desire to fix it, Harold does not see what really needs to be changed or fixed in their marriage. Suyuans Pendant is in Jing-Meis story, Best Quality. Five months ago, after crab dinner celebratingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to help me understand my grief pg 221, is a quote that indicates how Jing-mei changes her mind about the pendant ,as it changed it colour, her mother gave her before her mothers death. Her mother gave her the jade pendant which Suyuan calls lifes importance. The symbolic meaning of the pendant changes while Jing-mei discovers herself and her mothers relationship. At first, Jing-mei found the pendant very unstylish and bright, which symbolizes the cultural difference between herself and her mother. However, the meaning of the pendant changes when Suyuan dies. Jing-mei comes to realize that it symbolized her mothers love and concern. In addition, Jing-mei realizes the best qualities of herself and her mother. Most of her life, Jing-mei does not value herself. Suyuan tries to improve her daughter self-worth, but Jing-Mei judges herself that she is like than the best quality. By giving her the pendant, her mother indicates that she is the best quality. This allows Jing-mei to boost her confidence when she was always extremely hard on herself. Jing-Mei realizes her own worth. The pendant symbolizes the importance of passing down valuable object in Chinese heritage from one generation to the next. Jing-meis mind changed just like how the pendants colour changed. The two daughters have these two items that symbolizes their lives. For Lena the wobbly table and the vase was a representation of her marriage begin shaky. For Jing-mei, a pendant changing colour showed how her mother was just of love and concern.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Perspective Evoloved
Perspective Evolved Life is not shy about offering its little lessons. It is without doubt that every person’s journey offers its own unique teachings, with often hard to learn material. However, it is through these trails that people grow, mature, and reshape, once cemented, point of views. Alice Munro’s â€Å"An Ounce of Cure†illustrates that while life is forging wisdom it is not necessarily the easiest thing to accept, but through time, and the perspective altering ability it has, what at what point seems to be endless despair becomes another lesson learned. The Narrator in â€Å"An Ounce of Cure†takes the reader on a peregrination into severe, youthful heartache, and the drunkenness that inevitably accompanies it. Munro skillfully uses point of view to guide the reader through the Narrator’s sorrow, and into her first drunken episode, until she emerges into the mature adult who reflects to tell the story. The narrator, who is also the protagonist, tells â€Å"An Ounce of Cure†in the past tense. Munro uses this technique to give the reader immediate contrast between the opposing points of view the narrator has as the story progresses. The story begins with the narrator briefly telling of her love, Martin Collingwood. It quickly progresses to the point where Martin dumps her; this is where the heartache begins. The narrator reflectively admits her stupidity when she concludes â€Å"But it doesn’t really make me very gay-worse still, it doesn’t really surprise me-to remember all the stupid, sad, half ashamed things I did, that people in love always do†(452). This sentence shows how her adult perspective is ashamed at what she did when she was looking through the situation with a different point of view as an adolescent. While she was in this dreadful heartache she did what a lot of young heartbroken kids do, dwell on the very few good moments that made up the relationship that is causing all the torment. The narrator i... Free Essays on Perspective Evoloved Free Essays on Perspective Evoloved Perspective Evolved Life is not shy about offering its little lessons. It is without doubt that every person’s journey offers its own unique teachings, with often hard to learn material. However, it is through these trails that people grow, mature, and reshape, once cemented, point of views. Alice Munro’s â€Å"An Ounce of Cure†illustrates that while life is forging wisdom it is not necessarily the easiest thing to accept, but through time, and the perspective altering ability it has, what at what point seems to be endless despair becomes another lesson learned. The Narrator in â€Å"An Ounce of Cure†takes the reader on a peregrination into severe, youthful heartache, and the drunkenness that inevitably accompanies it. Munro skillfully uses point of view to guide the reader through the Narrator’s sorrow, and into her first drunken episode, until she emerges into the mature adult who reflects to tell the story. The narrator, who is also the protagonist, tells â€Å"An Ounce of Cure†in the past tense. Munro uses this technique to give the reader immediate contrast between the opposing points of view the narrator has as the story progresses. The story begins with the narrator briefly telling of her love, Martin Collingwood. It quickly progresses to the point where Martin dumps her; this is where the heartache begins. The narrator reflectively admits her stupidity when she concludes â€Å"But it doesn’t really make me very gay-worse still, it doesn’t really surprise me-to remember all the stupid, sad, half ashamed things I did, that people in love always do†(452). This sentence shows how her adult perspective is ashamed at what she did when she was looking through the situation with a different point of view as an adolescent. While she was in this dreadful heartache she did what a lot of young heartbroken kids do, dwell on the very few good moments that made up the relationship that is causing all the torment. The narrator i...
Monday, March 2, 2020
10 Worst Reasons to Quit Your Job
10 Worst Reasons to Quit Your Job We’ve all been there: so fed up it seems the only option is to quit and start afresh. But situations like that call for very careful consideration. If your reasons for the grand gesture happen to include any of the following, it might be best to reconsider. Here are the 10 worst reasons to quit your job:1. You’re boredYour job involves a lot of repetition. You feel like Sisyphus rolling his boulder up and down his little hill. But any job- no matter how glamorous- involves doing something over and over again until you get better and better at it. Remember every job will involve some level of repetition. Ask yourself whether your work is challenging or ultimately satisfying, rather than whether it’s repetitive.2. You feel under-appreciatedYou know you’re awesome. So why is no one tooting your horn? Where are your accolades? Recognition isn’t something that happens overnight- and it certainly can’t accompany every little good thing that you do. Get over yourself; keep working until you have something really worth celebrating.3. You’re still not rich and famousMost people will never reach that level. It’s not a great reason to quit your job. Perhaps you could do a bit of financial stock-taking and strategizing instead to see how you can maximize your time and talents? But quitting because you’re not raking in the dough? Bad call. You have to work to earn that money, you know.4. You’re dauntedYou can see success. But it’s an uphill slog and about 5 to 10 years in the future. Just thinking about it makes you tired. But remember: if you quit, you’ll be that many years and that much hard work behind plus the time and work it takes to get a new job. Better to put your head down and get started.5. You’re not sure it’s worth itYou’re weighing all the compromises and hard work against the possible eventual reward. That’s actually smart. Just make sure you run this by an objective third party whom you trust enough to tell you the hard truth and help set you (or keep you) on the proper path.6. It’s not about youA little soul searching is in order here. Make sure you’re not quitting for your partner or a parent- or worse, because you want to rebel against someone. Listen to the voice in your head about whether this job is on the right track to who and where you want to be in five years. If it is, stay put and do the work.7. Your inner jerk tells you what to doThat meanie in your head is whispering to you that it isn’t worth it- that you aren’t good enough. That you might as well not try. Your job sucks and you suck, right? Wrong. Tell that voice to shut up.8. You don’t feel importantThis is like a little kid deciding to run away because he doesn’t think anybody would miss him if he left. It’s emotionally immature and unprofessional. Instead: start distinguishing yourself in such a way that you never feel this kind of self-pity. Make yourself indispensable to your company and your coworkers.9. You covet your neighbor’s careerYou’re not as successful as the billionaires you read about in Forbes. Or your next door neighbor. Or your high school boyfriend. Stop spending so much time comparing yourself to the next guy and do your work instead. You’ll stand a better chance of actually succeeding if you devote yourself to what you’re doing.10. You don’t know enoughMissing a crucial certification or skill that you think your field requires? That’s not a reason to quit! It’s a reason to go out and earn that last scout badge. Go out and finish whatever education you need in your free time- you might even be able to get your company to pay for your training process. If you don’t know something, learn!There are lots of great reasons to quit. But these 10 are actually warning flags that the problem is with you, not wit h your job. Don’t stress. Just get back to work.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Copper Price Rises in UK after Chile Strike Case Study
Copper Price Rises in UK after Chile Strike - Case Study Example To further understand why BHP Hilton is considered as the main stakeholder looking into the definition of it is vital in order to establish the claim. The legal definition of it according to Lectric Law Library's Lexicon defined stakeholder as "STAKEHOLDER - A third person, chosen by two or more persons, to keep in deposit property, the right or possession of which is contested between them and to be delivered to the one who shall establish his right to it. Thus each of them is considered as depositing the whole thing. This distinguishes this contract from that which takes place when two or more tenants in common deposit a thing with a bailee. The duties of a stakeholder are to deliver the thing holden by him to the person entitled to it on demand. It is frequently questionable who is entitled to it. In case of an unlawful wager, although be may be justified for delivering the thing to the winner, by the express or implied consent of the loser yet if before the event has happened he has been required by either party to give up the thing deposited with him by such party, he is bound so to deliver it or if, after the event has happened, the losing party give notice to the stakeholder not to pay the winner, a payment made to him afterwards will be made in his own wrong, and the party who deposited the money or thing may recover it from the stakeholder (2007)." Also, if taken into consideration is the 57.5 percent share of the BHP Biliton. The aforementioned company is considered as the prime owner and is more likely considered to be associated with mining activity. In this case, we still have to track the stakeholders which are considered as the third party or person to keep the property which is being contested. In the case of the erring parties between Escondida and the worker's union, the shareholders of the said mining firm could temporarily took over the operation of the company and could be regarded as the caretakers or stakeholder of the company while the workers are on strike and could also be present in the negotiating table between Esconcondida and the workers union. As the determinants of the losses or gains of the company, then they are more than capable of being the caretaker of it while the case is being settled. Of course, one has to take into consideration that these shareholders have their parts and stocks in the company, and then they are also concerned with the welfare of the company. If they act as the stakeholder during the negotiation until the dispute has been settled, then should anything happen then they are capable of making things work for both parties by making both ends meet through their finances and bonds in which they are capable of providing the aforementioned resources. Of all the stakeholders, definitely, it is BHP Biliton has the right above the other entire stakeholders since the said company has the most number of shares in the company. Therefore, they have the right to be the caretaker of the entire mining firm because of their contribution in the company plus the fact that it owns more than half of the share of the company. Should this scenario arises, what are the responsibilities of BHP Biliton while the company is under dispute What the said company should do
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Dispersed Team Dynamics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dispersed Team Dynamics - Term Paper Example It may be good for dispersed teams to hire external consultants to develop improved leadership in the virtual team environment. Such consultants are likely well aware of the digital technologies rather than face to face communication and team building methods to promote virtual team leadership. Buono (2004, p.144) reflects that the team leader can use the consultant’s expertise and experience to foster knowledge/information sharing in the workgroup environment. It is evident that the use of advanced technologies and hiring of external management consultants would incur additional costs for organizations. In case of digital communication networks and other technologies, the organization needs to spend further for maintenance and updation purposes, and this situation may increase the overall operating costs of the business. In addition, the company may have to raise additional funds to finance face to face orientation meetings and other workshop programs designed to improve inte rpersonal communication among the team members. Although the virtual team development requires such additional investments, this initial spending would benefit organizations to improve the performance efficiency of teams and to increase the operating revenues in the long run. To be more specific, when mutual trust and communicative relationships are improved in the virtual team environment, the team members tend to engage more actively in their work tasks, and this situation may increase the overall employee productivity.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Ancient Egypt Essay example -- essays research papers
The Nile      The Nile river was the most important thing to Ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians were very smart because they were settled near a river. Without the Nile the Egyptians wouldn’t survive, and even now we wouldn’t study their history. The Nile was so important because it gave them water and fertilizer for farming and they believed in a God of the Nile whos name was Osiris The God of The Nile River.      â€Å"Irrigation along much of the river supported the growth of agricultural products such as cotton, wheat, sorghum, dates, citrus fruits, sugarcane, and various legumes.1†Other local communities fished in the Nile River. â€Å"The first great African civilization developed in the northern Nile Valley in about 5000 BC. Dependent on agriculture, this state, called Egypt, relied on the flooding of the Nile for irrigation and new soils.2†     The Nile was their only way of trading and fastest way of transportation. Without the Nile it would take them a long time to go from city to city or trade. Egyptians always depended on the Nile to flood, when the ice from the mountains melted every year there was a flood. The flood from Nile left furtilizer for farming, and when there wasn’t a flood they depended on fishing and trading. Pharaohs      Pharaohs were very important to the Egyptians, they control everything. for every great Pharaoh there wa...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Relationship of Procrastination and Self-Esteem on the Failing Grades
THE RELATIONSHIP OF SELF-ESTEEM AND PROCRASTINATION ON THE FAILING GRADES OF THE COLLEGE STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MINDANAO, KABACAN, COTABATO PAMELA CLAIRE C. GARROTE A Thesis Outline Submitted to the Department of Psychology, College Of Arts and Sciences, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PSYCHOLOGY MARCH 2013 INTRODUCTION College is a fun, exciting, and challenging experience for most students, but for some, it is simply too much to handle.Few high school students are aware of what college life is like. Unlike in high school, college classes usually require a large amount of time spent outside class, working for the class, and some students do not understand the importance of this. A surprisingly large number of college freshmen have extremely poor time-management skills, which can lead to more time, spent partying than studying, which is the main cause of failing tests. All of these are causes of the students ultimately flunking out of college.Self-esteem is the overall self-evaluation of one’s self, this is according to Myers. It is said to be the most important in helping the person grow. You cannot achieve a certain goal if you don’t have it. With a high level of self-esteem, it can help you in your studies, at work and in dealing with other people. Procrastination, in layman’s term, it said to be wasting your time. This dilemma is very common especially in those who are studying. With this kind of attitude there are most likely to be successful.Many students entering college have extremely poor time management skills. One major problem is procrastination. Some students will wait till the night before a project is due before starting it, quickly rushing through the project, making careless errors, and getting little rest that night. Another self-destructive habit many college students have is cramming for tests. Often this cramm ing session takes place the night before, or even the morning of, the test, wherein the student tries to cover many weeks worth of material in a few hours.This method of studying is almost worthless because the student will never retain any of the knowledge he or she â€Å"studied. Objectives of the Study The purpose of this study wants to know the relationship of self-esteem and procrastination on the failing grades of the college students of University of Southern Mindanao, specifically aims to: 1. Measure the level of their self-esteem. 2. Know if self-esteem and procrastination create a big impact in their failing grades. Significance of the Study The outcome of this study can be very helpful, especially to the locale of the study.If this study will be conducted successfully, those students who have failing grades because of low self-esteem and are procrastinating can be serving as participants in seminars such as boosting your self-esteem. It can be beneficial to the universit y they can also help improve the education of the students. Scope and Delimitation This study focuses on the self-esteem and procrastination and its possible relation to the failing grades of the college students of USM. The participants were chosen regardless of their age, sex/gender, ethnicity, and financial ability.The participants were also those who have failing grades. Hypothesis of the Study Ho: There is no relationship of self-esteem and procrastination on failing grades. Theoretical Framework Individual Psychology was founded by Alfred Adler. It is a cognitive, goal-oriented, social psychology interested in a person’s beliefs and perceptions, as well as the effects that person’s behavior has on others. It is one of the few psychologies interested in democratic processes in the home, school and work place.Individual Psychology promotes social equality, which means granting each other mutual respect and dignity regardless of our inherent differences. It is no t a set of techniques but a comprehensive philosophy of living. The three most fundamental principles are: (1) behavior is goal oriented; (2) humans are fundamentally social, with a desire to belong and have a place of value as an equal human being; and (3) the individual is indivisible and functions with unity of personality (Ferguson, 1984).These principles, which make Individual Psychology unique from other approaches, are described in Adlerian psychology as purposiveness, social interest, and holism. Together, these principles describe the person as moving in unity toward self-chosen goals that reflect a human value for belonging and social contribution. Conceptual Framework In this study, self-esteem (IV) is also the basis to the participants’ overall self-evaluation and procrastination (IV) as the basis in determining the student’s behavior in school.And failing grades (DV) will be the basis in getting the needed data. Failing Grades Self-esteem Procrast ination Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the relationship of self – esteem and procrastination on the failing grades of the participants. Operational Definition of Terms METHODOLOGY Research Design The relationship of self-esteem and procrastination on failing grades will use the survey and correlational analysis research design to obtain baseline information on the failing grades of the college students of USM.Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study are those college students who have failing grades last semester school year 2013-2014. Locale of the Study The locale of the study is located on the northern part of Region XII, specifically on the town of Kabacan, where the University of Southern Mindanao is located. This is a state university, with a population of more or less fifteen (15) thousand students. The main college to be conducted with the survey is the College of Arts and Sciences.In this college, there are eight (8) courses. These are: Bachelor of Ar ts in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Development Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Bachelor of Science in Criminology, BLISS, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Arts in English. This college has a population of more or less five (5) thousand students. Data Gathering Procedure The researcher of this study will get the probationary list in each course of the College of Arts and Sciences.These courses are Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Development Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Bachelor of Science in Criminology, BLISS, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Arts in English. After having the list, the researcher will communicate with those students who are included in the list and the researcher will let them take the tests, which are the self-esteem and procrastination tests. The researcher will limit to fifty (50) respondents d epending on the availability of the students.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Importance Of Artificial Intelligence - 2225 Words
We are not live in 19th or 20th century anymore. It is the 21st century now; things have changed, such as people, tools, policies, especially the learning environment. Learning areas are not limited to the classroom; it could happen at anywhere, such as the library, home, garden, etc. Therefore, because it is the 21st century, we also need to learn 21st-century skills. Pellegrino and Hilton (2012) mentioned that 21st-century skills include cognitive abilities (nonroutine problem solving, system thinking, and critical thinking), interpersonal skills (range from active listening, to presentation skills, to conflict resolution), and interpersonal skills (broadly clustered under adaptability and self-management/self-development personal†¦show more content†¦Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. These include social media, online games and applications, multimedia, productivity applications, cloud computin g, interoperable systems and mobile devices (Victoria State Government, n.d.). Thus, many people think digital technology and education has connected with each other. They believe that the school is making students learning and spreading the knowledge of society, and digital technology is providing skills for students to be better understand the theory idea, information, and intelligent behavior (Woolf, Lane, Chaudhri and Lolodner, 2013). Digital technology also could help the teacher to develop the personalized educational programs for individuals or groups of students, and even help students use a range of learning styles and methods. Thus, in this essay, I will discuss the problems and the role of digital technology in education, the and explain some ideas could help the school in the future through digital technology. Nowadays, more and more people depend on digital products. Digital technologies are everywhere, and even bringing many exciting opportunities for the society, especially for schools (Ministry of Education, 2017). Therefore, not only adults using or play smartphone or tablets at school or outside the classroom but also many younger people since from their early ageShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Artificial Intelligence1302 Words  | 6 PagesArtificial intelligence is the utilization of computers to imitate human brains in restricted domains. This is a consequence of developing computer which carry on logically, reason rationally and can adequately decipher its surroundings continuously in real time. Artificial Intelligence is no longer a fictionist concept, the superior computing prowess of artificial intelligence has enabled them to surpass humans in problem solving. They have made it conceivable to recreate complex activities thatRead MoreImportance Of Artificial Intelligence1 156 Words  | 5 PagesTitle: Understanding Emotional Intelligence and its role in development of AI Introduction In 1983, Howard Gardener, an American psychologist proposed eight (originally seven) types of intelligences (Gardner, Howard, 1983, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences). Emotional Intelligence was not one of the eight as it did not fulfill eight criteria set by Gardener which all intelligence must meet. It is interesting that Gardener gave interpersonal intelligence place in the list as it dealsRead MoreImportance Of Artificial Intelligence1409 Words  | 6 Pagesmost famous science fiction writers, artificial intelligence ( AI) is taking root in our everyday lives†( Science Fiction to Reality 1). Artificial Intelligence is a machinery which includes network and a probabilistic model. Artificial intelligence is the computer that can now spontaneously translate spoken and written conversation. It can also recognize and accurately cations photos, identify faces and can be your personal assistant. Artificial intelligence has specific technologies, like theRe ad MoreThe Importance Of Artificial Intelligence2186 Words  | 9 Pagesthe 21st century, especially the artificial intelligence (AI). According to Stanford (2016) mentioned that the artificial intelligence (AI) is a science and a set of computational technologies that are inspired byâ€â€but typically operate quite differently fromâ€â€the ways people use their nervous systems and bodies to sense, learn, reason, and take action. Since the first artificial intelligence in 1956, and with the development and progress of artificial intelligence, it is affected in many sectorsRead MoreThe Importance Of Artificial Intelligence In The Military1524 Words  | 7 PagesAs humanity becomes more technologically advanced, the development of artificial intelligence for specific fields of work is becoming more prevalent. One of these fields where artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to grow rapidly is in the military. All branches of the military are beginning to develop and im plement AI on the battlefront in order to replace human soldiers. However, the use of AI to perform life and death decisions is a highly debated over topic. The morals and ethics behindRead MoreRationalism vs. Irrationalism1607 Words  | 7 Pagesrationalistic perspecive we observe the mind as active, the emotions passive, and the notion that no material thing can cause an nonmaterial idea; however from the viewpoint of irrationality I will prove that: 1) Emotion is in fact not passive and 2) Intelligence can be created materially. Before going into detail on irrationalism I wish to explore the rationalistic perspective. The rationalist tends to believe in the existence of truths that could not be discovered through the senses alone,Read MoreFuture Of Life : Thanks With Artificial Intelligence1451 Words  | 6 PagesFuture of Life: Thanks to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is soon to be a massively important and relevant part of our future. I have no doubt about it, and knowing this... I began my research simply wanting to know more about AI and it’s current and speculative uses and capabilities. I wanted to know how we planned to accommodate for the biggest change our species has ever experienced, I wanted to find out how legislature would adapt, how research would spring up, how productionRead MoreArtificial Intelligence Essay1008 Words  | 5 Pagesworld. We’ll be their butlers soon enough.†(Brain Quote) Artificial Intelligence is the development of computer systems that normally require human intelligence. This (Artificial Intelligence) has lead to countless short-term positives such as â€Å"improving the speed, quality, and costs of available goods and services (Karsten and West 1). (This being said from the Brooking institution) However, as businesses continue to use Artificial Intelligence to inc rease extra goods and make more money, they willRead MoreEssay on The Turing Test1426 Words  | 6 Pages One of the hottest topics that modern science has been focusing on for a long time is the field of artificial intelligence, the study of intelligence in machines or, according to Minsky, â€Å"the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men†.(qtd in Copeland 1). Artificial Intelligence has a lot of applications and is used in many areas. â€Å"We often don’t notice it but AI is all around us. It is present in computer games, in the cruise control in our cars and theRead MoreArtificial Intelligence Essay924 Words  | 4 Pagesthese problems. The study of Intelligent Systems, often called â€Å"artificial intelligence†(AI), uses computation as a medium for simulating human perception, cognition, reasoning, learning, and action. In the case of artificial intelligence, the first thing that usually comes to mind is that AIs are convenient for mankind. It makes life much easier having the artificial intelligent systems to do peoples works. Having artificial intelligence around not only cuts the tasks in half, but also it saves lots
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