Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children Should Not Use the Internet Without Their...
Children should not use the Internet without their Parents Supervision Internet is a network that virtually connects computers around the world. It has an address network which makes communication possible between the computers. It is an open phone line and an open television channel to millions of people around the world who can communicate anonymously (Palmer, 2006). People use it to exchange files and e-mails, to surf the World Wide Web, to download songs or other types of files, to take part of discussion boards, and to send instant messages. It can be beneficial when it comes to freedom of press, and less disintermediation between people (Palmer, 2006). It can also be of assistance when it comes to doing some kind of research,†¦show more content†¦Not to forget, that other people, those who read the rumors and gossips, can reply to those posts which demeaning and hurtful expression. Children who use it do so in order to bully others and make fun of them in public. Bullies are typically young people who use the internet as a means to hurt t heir victims (Magid, 2003) in an anonymous fashion. Additionally, children are at risk of bringing in viruses to the computer. Such viruses can get to the computer when children download files such as songs, videos, or even presentations. They can be very harmful to the workstation and can delete important files and software programs from the computer’s hard-disk. Sometimes the problem is irreversible, and in order to be able to use the computer once again, it should be formatted and sometimes even the hard-disk must be changed. The problem does not fall in the act of downloading programs; yet, it falls in the act of downloading them from untrusting websites that are full of Trojans and worms, or even from websites that, on purpose, download some kind of Trojan that can go into the computer and help the website’s owner hack that specific computer. Thus, increase the hacker’s remote control over the computer (Maggie, 2003) which can jeopardize the privacy and the safety of the family members in the household, whet her they use the computer or not. Other risks that are worthy of mention are the legal and financial risks in which children can,Show MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Effect On Society1386 Words  | 6 Pagesembedded in machines, computers, devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things. Technology has produced many positive contributions to society and how it has grown into what it is now, but it can be said that certain technologies have had a destructive effect on society. At the current time, people can t imagine their lives without technology. They surround themselves with various technologies that are made to make their livesRead MoreEssay on Effect of Mass Media on Youth775 Words  | 4 Pagesespecially on youth. 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